Teller Report

The representative of China made three points on the question of Palestine in the Middle East

6/27/2023, 11:05:23 PM

Highlights: Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, expounded his views on three points. China opposes unilateral actions that exacerbate tension in the occupied territories, all violence against civilians and irresponsible provocation and incitement. China is willing to work with the international community to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue at an early date. The international community must always place the question of Palestine high on the international agenda and take practical steps to advance the two-state solution.

United Nations, 6 Jun (ZXS) -- The United Nations Security Council held an open meeting on the question of Palestine in the Middle East on 27 June, at which Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, expounded his views on three points.

On the same day, the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Vinnezlan, informed participants that violence in the occupied Palestinian territory of the West Bank was spiraling, and related incidents involved a large number of Israeli settlers. From the night of 6 to 20 June, Israeli settlers launched 25 violent attacks against Palestinian villages, resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries. Vinnezland warned that tensions in the West Bank could worsen if resolute measures were not taken to stop the violence.

Zhang Jun pointed out in his speech that the Palestinian issue is the core of the Middle East issue and has a bearing on peace, stability and long-term peace and stability in the Middle East. On this issue, China has always upheld fairness and justice and firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights. In conjunction with the briefing by the Special Coordinator, he made three observations:

First, we must break the cycle of violence and pursue common security. China opposes unilateral actions that exacerbate tension in the occupied territories, all violence against civilians and irresponsible provocation and incitement. Palestine and Israel are neighbours that cannot be moved. Pursuing one's own absolute security at the expense of the other party's security is not logically valid and does not work in reality. The international community must attach equal importance to the security concerns of Palestine and Israel and promote the two sides to uphold a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept and achieve common security through dialogue and negotiation.

Secondly, the international rule of law must be upheld and unilateral changes to the status quo stopped. The construction of settlements in the occupied territories is contrary to international law and contrary to the requirements of UNSCR 2334. China is concerned that Israel recently adopted a new settlement resolution simplifying and speeding up the settlement approval process and approving thousands of new settlement housing units. Every inch of settlement expansion is a further squeeze on the Palestinian living space, a further encroachment on land and resources in the occupied territories and a further weakening of the two-State solution. China once again urges the cessation of all settlement activities and the cessation of unilateral changes to the status quo in the occupied territories.

Third, we must honor our political commitments and advance the two-state solution. The crises and instability in the occupied Palestinian territories are rooted in more than half a century of occupation and settlement expansion and in the long-term stagnation of the Middle East peace process. The fundamental way to calm the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and resolve the Palestinian issue lies in the resumption of peace talks and the implementation of the two-state solution. The international community must always place the question of Palestine high on the international agenda and take practical steps to advance the two-State solution. The Council must show a sense of urgency and be prepared to take meaningful action, shoulder its responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations and provide oversight guarantees for the fulfilment of political commitments.

Zhang Jun said that China is willing to work with the international community to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue at an early date and make positive contributions to the peaceful coexistence of Palestine and Israel, the common development of the two Arab and Jewish peoples, and lasting peace and stability in the Middle East. (End)