Teller Report

Use civilized paper to send "super coating" Many college admission notices "new"

6/23/2023, 10:04:21 PM

Highlights: The latest version of the admission letter style of some colleges and universities has been "renovated" again. The overall color of the cover of the notice is Fudan blue, symbolizing the hope and vitality of new students. After the middle of the Qing Dynasty, due to frequent wars, "paper troughs were deserted, craftsmen were exiled", and the core raw material Xianhua was gradually depleted. At the end of 2017, through the joint exploration of polymer materials, chemistry, biology, literature and other disciplines, many of the famous texts of the early Qing Dynasty were written and printed on Kaihua paper.

The admission notices of many colleges and universities are "new" [using "resurrected" enlightened paper to send the same "super coating" of Mars]

On June 6, many places successively announced the 23 college entrance examination score line, and the Beijing Youth Daily reporter noted that the 2023 undergraduate admission notices of Fudan University, Sun Yat-sen University, Harbin Institute of Technology and many other universities have also been unveiled.

The latest version of the admission letter style of some colleges and universities has been "renovated" again.

Fudan University

With the "resurrected" civilized paper as a carrier

According to the news of Fudan University on June 6, the undergraduate admission notice of Fudan University was newly unveiled. For the first time, the admission notice uses the enlightened paper of the "resurrection" of Fudan scientific and technological achievements as the carrier, and invites famous teachers and teachers and students to write the body content of the notice together.

The overall color of the cover of the notice is Fudan blue, symbolizing the hope and vitality of new students, and the back cover is Fudan University's motto "Erudite and Determined, Eager and Close", representing the expectation and sustenance of new students.

The overall design of the new version of the notice adopts a classical style, the body of the notice is elegant and small lettered by Gao Xiang, professor of the School of Public Health of Fudan University and the main teacher of Fudan General Studies core course "Chinese Calligraphy Art", the word "Jinli" in the text is engraved by Xu Gufu, a distinguished expert of Fudan University and a famous bird and insect seal engraver, and the Fudan real scene prints printed on the inner page of the notice are created by Ni Jianming, a distinguished expert of Fudan University and a famous printmaker...

It is worth mentioning that the body of the new version of the admission notice is written on newly opened paper. Kaihua paper was born in Kaihua County, Zhejiang Province, delicate and white, thin and tough, known as the crown jewel of traditional Chinese handmade paper. The papermaking process of Kaihua paper began in the Ming Dynasty and flourished in the Qing Dynasty, and many of the famous texts of the early Qing Dynasty were written and printed on Kaihua paper. After the middle of the Qing Dynasty, due to frequent wars, "paper troughs were deserted, craftsmen were exiled", and the core raw material Xianhua was gradually depleted, and the craftsmanship was lost. At the end of 2017, through the joint exploration of polymer materials, chemistry, biology, classical literature, literature and other disciplines, the scientific research team of Fudan University successfully "resurrected" the long-lost civilized paper process. The revived newly opened paper paper is light and flexible, white as jade, its physical and chemical indicators are close to the level of ancient paper, and the shelf life of paper can reach more than <>,<> years, which is not only suitable for ancient book restoration, calligraphy and painting creation, but also can be used for printing.

In addition, this year, the Undergraduate Admissions Office also specially invited teachers and students to write handwritten notification messages to send good wishes to freshmen who have never met before. At present, more than 3000,<> notices have been printed, and after the admission results are released, the names and professional information of the new students in the text will be written by the students of the Fudan University Calligraphy and Painting Association.

Chinese Minmin University

It adopts three-dimensional box design

On June 6, the 23 new version of the admission notice of Chinese Minmin University was released. The new version of the admission notice adopts a three-dimensional box design, which consists of three parts: the outer envelope, the main box body and the inner materials.

The "unique" logo on the envelope is centered, and the cutout design is openworked; A picture of school history inside and outside the box is spread out in a wrap-around manner; The letter box includes a gilded admission notice, an entrance ceremony for new students, and a set of moral cultivators and pioneer IP images.

Zhang Donggang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Chinese Minmin University, said that this year's new version of the admission notice tells the story of the history of the university in a way that contemporary college students like to see, tells the story of the party's founding of Renmin University, and further enhances the sense of ceremony of the admission notice itself, with the aim of turning the moment of becoming a person into a melting pot of faith, so that the admission notice changes from flat to three-dimensional, from reception to inheritance, and makes it the first lesson of education in the true sense.

Sun Yat-sen University

Inside there is Pu-erh tea and small bricks

A few days ago, Sun Yat-sen University's 2023 undergraduate admission notice was unveiled, and the notice set was made with gold list title red as the overall color, and the rectangular gift box was red brick style.

The five seal characters of "Admission Notice" on the cover of the notice were written by Mr. Chen Weizhan, professor of paleography at Sun Yat-sen University, and have been used since 2011.

In recent years, Sun Yat-sen University has provided designated assistance to Fengqing, Yunnan. Along with the notice, Sun Yat-sen University designated Pu'er tea cakes in Fengqing County, Yunnan Province, and this year's shape has been changed from last year's round to rectangular brick. This year also features a collective creative element – the Year Puzzle Bricks. More than 8000,9 freshmen will be randomly given a piece of different colors and different years, and each puzzle brick is a unique piece. After entering CUHK in September, new students can bring their own small bricks to the South Campus, paste them on the shelves of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, and work with more than 8000,<> classmates to create a panoramic picture of Huaishi Hall.

Harbin Institute of Technology

Send out the same coating from Upper Mars

Recently, the admission notice of Harbin Institute of Technology was unveiled. The acceptance letter is themed "inheritance", and each student who receives the acceptance letter will receive a "super coating" that can be used to land on Mars. This is a "HIT" bookmark made by the Space Surface Chemical Engineering and Protection Technology Research Center of Harbin Institute of Technology, the surface of the bookmark has a special coating, which integrates anti-irradiation, low volatility, high and low temperature alternating resistance, etc., which can avoid color degradation and coating peeling in the extreme environment of deep space. This technology has been successfully applied to the five-star red flag displayed by the Tianwen-1 Mars rover and the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic mascot images carried on the landing platform.

Nankai University

Contains lotus seeds from Premier Zhou's hometown

According to the official WeChat of Nankai University, on June 6, Nankai University "spoiled" the 22 admission notice style.

The background color of the admission notice is green lotus purple, and one of the four heart-shaped badge blind boxes with the themes of "day", "moon", "mountain" and "sea" is randomly sent, and there is a small purse containing two lotus seeds in the notice, from Premier Zhou Enlai's hometown of Huai'an.

Text/Reporter Li Tiezhu Coordinator/Jiang Shuo