Teller Report

Cities are vying to "get out of the loop", experts: Internet celebrities cannot be the whole of tourism

6/22/2023, 1:14:21 PM

Highlights: Dai Bin, president of China Tourism Research Institute, said that tourism needs the phenomenon of Internet celebrities, but not the whole of tourism. Instead of studying other people's "traffic passwords", cities should first master the operation laws of tourism economy, he said. The cultivation of tourist destinations requires wisdom and patience, which is consistent with the level of local economic and social development, he added. He said that all localities should innovate the way of disseminating the city's image according to their own characteristics.

Beijing, June 6 (Zhongxin Net) -- In the past few days, following the "village BA", the "village super" watched by the whole network has made Guizhou Qiandongnan Prefecture once again become an Internet celebrity city. Since the beginning of this year, from the Internet celebrity cities vying to "get out of the circle" to the directors of cultural and tourism bureaus competing to appear, the "traffic password" of the city's popularity has been the focus of public opinion.

Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Academy (right), recently gave an exclusive interview to China News Agency's "China Focus Face-to-Face". Photo by China News Agency reporter Yi Haifei

Dai Bin, president of China Tourism Research Institute, said in an exclusive interview with China News Agency's "China Focus Face-to-Face" a few days ago that tourism needs the phenomenon of Internet celebrities, but the phenomenon of Internet celebrities is not the whole of tourism, and instead of studying other people's "traffic passwords", cities should first master the operation laws of tourism economy and master the underlying logic of the development of tourist destinations.

Since the beginning of this year, from Zibo, Shandong, which was set on fire by barbecue, to Jiangmen in Guangdong and Bengbu, Anhui, which were brought on fire by film and television dramas, to Qiandongnan Guizhou, which was led by "village BA" and "village chao", Internet celebrity landmarks and Internet red cities have emerged one after another. At the same time, this year, the phenomenon of "rolled up cultural and tourism bureau directors" has also attracted attention.

"Many cadres of cultural and tourism departments appear to play heroes and fairies to promote urban cultural tourism resources, and the starting point is good, especially for the vast central and western regions, it is an exploration to promote themselves." However, 'the first person to eat a crab' is eye-catching, but if it is a 'swarm' to follow the trend, it is a bit overdone. ”

Dai Bin said that all localities should innovate the way of disseminating the city's image according to their own characteristics. "Netizens are hotly talking about 'the director of the cultural and tourism bureau is out of the circle', in fact, we hope that people remember a city, not a certain director."

Dai Bin analyzed that a good tourist destination has its basic logic of development, such as high-quality lifestyle, perfect business reception environment, modern urban governance system and governance capabilities.

"Cities should return to these underlying logic of tourism economic operation and improve the city's quality of life, commercial reception environment, and public service level." If these basic work cannot keep up, even if the director of the cultural and tourism bureau praises the city as beautiful as a flower, but the tourists are disappointed after going, which becomes the embarrassment of the 'seller show' and 'buyer show'. ”

Dai Bin said that the cultivation of tourist destinations requires wisdom and patience, which is consistent with the level of local economic and social development. (End)