Teller Report

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue yellow warnings for heavy rain and high temperatures

6/21/2023, 10:53:29 AM

Highlights: The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of heavy rain at 6 o'clock on June 21. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued a meteorological risk warning for geological disasters at 6:21 on June 18. The highest temperature in some areas of northern Henan and other places is 35~37 °C, and the local temperature can reach more than 37 °C. There are short-term heavy precipitation in some of the above areas, locally accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and winds.

According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning for heavy rain at 6 o'clock on June 21 and a yellow warning for high temperature at 6 o'clock on June 21; The Ministry of Water Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued a meteorological warning for orange flash flood disasters at 18:6 on June 21; The Ministry of Natural Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued a meteorological risk warning for geological disasters at 18:6 on June 21.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of heavy rain at 6 o'clock on June 21: It is expected that from 18 o'clock on June 6 to 21 o'clock on June 20, there will be heavy to heavy rain in eastern and southern Guizhou, eastern Yunnan, northern Guangxi, central Hunan, north-central Jiangxi, southern Zhejiang, northern Fujian and other places, among which, there will be heavy rainstorms (22~20 mm) in southeastern Guizhou, northwestern Guangxi, central Hunan, central Jiangxi and other places. There are short-term heavy precipitation in some of the above areas (maximum hourly rainfall is 100~200 mm, local can exceed 40 mm), locally accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and winds.

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a high temperature yellow warning at 6 o'clock on June 21: It is expected that during the day on June 18, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, northern Henan, Shandong, northern Anhui, northern Jiangsu, Xinjiang southern Xinjiang basin and Turpan basin, western and southeastern Inner Mongolia, western Liaoning, southeastern Fujian, Leizhou Peninsula, northern Hainan Island and other places have 6~22 °C high temperature weather, among which, Xinjiang southern Xinjiang basin, western Inner Mongolia, central and southern Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, central and western Shandong, The highest temperature in some areas of northern Henan and other places is 35~37 °C, and the local temperature can reach more than 37 °C.

The Ministry of Water Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued an orange flash flood disaster meteorological warning at 6:21 on June 18: It is expected that from 6:21 on June 20 to 6:22 on June 20, flash floods will occur in parts of southeastern Guizhou, northern Guangxi, southwestern and eastern Hunan, and western Jiangxi (yellow warning), among which flash floods are likely to occur in southeastern Guizhou, northeastern Guangxi, eastern Hunan, and western Jiangxi (orange warning). All localities are requested to pay attention to real-time monitoring, flood prevention and early warning, transfer and avoidance and other preventive work.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued a meteorological risk warning for geological disasters at 6:21 on June 18: It is expected that from 6:21 on June 20 to 22:20 on June <>, the meteorological risk of geological disasters in parts of northern Fujian, eastern and western Jiangxi, eastern and southwestern Hunan, northern Guangxi, and southern Guizhou will be higher (yellow warning). Local residents are advised to pay attention to preventing geological disasters caused by heavy precipitation, especially in the area near the hidden danger points of geological disasters.