Teller Report

"They are sometimes immature": driving schools shared around the license at 17 years old

6/21/2023, 5:03:04 AM

Highlights: Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced new measures in favour of young people. Among the measures presented: lowering the legal age to pass the permit. From now on, the exam can be taken from the age of 17. Good news according to driving schools, provided that the State sets up new slots to take the exam, they believe. But regardless of age, the driver's license exam will remain just as demanding, say driving schools.. The rumor has been circulating for a few weeks. It is now done. Young people will be able to passing the driving license from 17 years old.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced new measures in favour of young people. Among the measures presented: lowering the legal age to pass the permit. From now on, the exam can be taken from the age of 17. Good news according to driving schools, provided that the State sets up new slots to take the exam, they believe.

Antoine Bienvault / Photo credit: GEORGES GOBET / AFP 06:50, June 21, 2023

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced new measures in favour of young people. Among the measures presented: lowering the legal age to pass the permit. From now on, the exam can be taken from the age of 17. Good news according to driving schools, provided that the State sets up new slots to take the exam, they believe.

The rumor has been circulating for a few weeks. It is now done: Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced on Tuesday that young people will be able to pass the driving license from 17 years old. If a few years ago, the age to pass the precious sesame was 18 years, it had already been lowered a first time to 17 and a half years in the mid-2010s.

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No change for driving schools

On the side of driving schools, the news is hardly surprising. Rue de la Convention, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, Gérard is busy around one of the cars of his establishment. For him, welcoming 17-year-olds in January in his structure will not really be a novelty.

"Students who are in accompanied driving are under 17 years of age. Often, we have them from 15 years, 15 and a half" for this type of learning, explains the instructor. Each week, they give about 45 hours of classes. But Gerard expects an increase in attendance and logistical problems, for him and the state.

Teenagers sometimes head up

"It may be necessary to hire more monitors or spread more over the week" the courses, he explains to the microphone of Europe 1. "And above all, it is necessary that behind it follows and that there are as many examinations that can take place as possible," says the professional.

And according to his experience in accompanied driving, it will be necessary to give these young students special attention and not only behind the wheel. "They are sometimes immature and there are some who come to the exam and forget their identity card for example. It's just an oversight, you'll tell me but only, on the day of the exam, it's messed up, "warns Gérard. But regardless of age, the driver's license exam will remain just as demanding.