Teller Report

Risk of solar parks being placed in unsuitable areas – The County Administrative Board demands new rules

6/20/2023, 1:43:26 PM

Highlights: Seven county administrative boards appeal to the government for clearer rules on solar parks. Jönköping, Kronoberg, Kalmar, Blekinge, Halland, Östergötland and Skåne write to government. Notifications to build solar parks have increased dramatically over the past year. According to the county boards, it can be difficult to make wise, quick and fair assessments because the regulations are described as too vague at present. The right business in the right place – the best land use in the short and long term is important.

Unclear rules regarding what applies to the construction of large solar parks can lead to negative consequences for society. This is the opinion of the County Administrative Board of Jönköping County, which, together with several other county administrative boards in southern Sweden, has now written a letter to the government demanding clearer regulations.

Notifications to build solar parks have increased dramatically over the past year and the County Administrative Board wants to see clearer rules.

"We need to strike wise balances between several important societal interests. The right business in the right place – the best land use in the short and long term is important. Together we are now raising the issue to the government, because we want to clarify and so that those who want to build solar parks know what applies, says Helena Jonsson, County Governor of Jönköping County.

Seven county administrative boards appeal to the government

The county administrative boards of Jönköping, Kronoberg, Kalmar, Blekinge, Halland, Östergötland and Skåne are now writing to the government about the problems.

According to the county administrative boards, it can be difficult to make wise, quick and fair assessments because the regulations are described as too vague at present.

In the clip above, environmental protection officer Nils Lagerkvist at the County Administrative Board in Jönköping County talks about the concrete consequences it can have on society if the regulations regarding solar parks do not become clearer.