Teller Report

General Director of the Grabar Center: there are no threats to the safety of the "Trinity" in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

6/20/2023, 10:43:21 PM

Highlights: Temperatures for the icon "Trinity" by Andrei Rublev in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is maintained within normal limits. Head of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, Olga Lyubimova, said that the restoration of the icon could take up to a year. The scientific council of the Grabar Center, where the best forces of Russian restorers are "gathered", will be convened to discuss the restoration plan and timing. In May, it was reported that the icon by decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Dmitry Sergeev, General Director of the All-Russian Art Scientific and Restoration Center named after Academician I. E. Grabar, said that the temperature regime for the icon "Trinity" by Andrei Rublev in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is maintained within normal limits.

Writes about it TASS.

"The temperature there is maintained within the established norm, and the humidity is somewhat different from the ideal, desired, the one to which the icon is accustomed," he said.

Sergeev clarified that inside the capsule there are no sharp jumps in temperature and humidity conditions, which are the most dangerous factor that could threaten the safety of the icon.

On June 18, the Ministry of Culture reported that the icon of the Trinity by Andrei Rublev is in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, it is in stable condition.

In May, it was reported that the icon "Trinity" by decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

The head of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, Olga Lyubimova, said that the restoration of the icon "Trinity" by Andrei Rublev, according to current estimates of experts, could take up to a year. In an interview with Izvestia, she noted that the scientific council of the Grabar Center, where the best forces of Russian restorers are "gathered", will be convened to discuss the restoration plan and timing.