Teller Report

Former Chairman Ghosn sues Nissan Motor Co. for more than 1400 billion yen

6/20/2023, 9:43:09 PM

Highlights: Carlos Ghosn has filed a lawsuit in a Lebanese court demanding payment of more than $10 billion to Nissan and others. The former Nissan Chairman fled to Lebanon on a private jet in 2019 while out on bail after being charged with violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in Japan. The trial is scheduled for September 9. There is no extradition treaty between Japan and Lebanon, and the Lebanese government has so far entered the country with legal documents and indicated that there are no legal problems with his stay in Lebanon.

[NHK] Former Nissan Motor Chairman Carlos Ghosn, who was charged with violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in Japan, has been accused of defaming his honor, etc.

Former Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn, who was charged with violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in Japan, has filed a lawsuit in a Lebanese court demanding payment of more than $10 billion to Nissan and others, alleging that he was defamed, multiple media reported.

Former Nissan Chairman Ghosn fled to Lebanon on a private jet in 2019 while out on bail after being charged with violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act by understating his compensation in securities reports during his tenure.

Reuters and other overseas media reported on the 20th that former Chairman Ghosn filed a lawsuit in a Lebanese court against Nissan Motor Co. and several related parties demanding payment of more than 10 billion dollars and 1400 billion yen in Japan yen, alleging that personal assets and honor were damaged.

The trial is scheduled for September 9.

Ghosn has previously claimed that his arrest and prosecution was orchestrated by a conspiracy between Japan prosecutors and Nissan.

On the other hand, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. also filed a lawsuit against Mr. Ghosn for damages of about 18 billion yen three years ago in 3, alleging that he caused damage to the company.

There is no extradition treaty between Japan and Lebanon, and the Lebanese government has so far entered the country with legal documents and has indicated that there are no legal problems with his stay in Lebanon.

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. said it would "refrain from commenting" on this report.