Teller Report

Economist Belyaev explained the law on the free economic zone in the new subjects of Russia

6/20/2023, 2:53:26 PM

Highlights: Mikhail Belyaev, candidate of Economic Sciences, commented on the bill adopted by the State Duma. The bill provides for the creation of a free economic zone (FEZ) in the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. The economist explained that economic transactions can be carried out in these regions on a preferential basis. According to the expert, the new regions of Russia require not only the restoration of those economic facilities that existed there and suffered some damage.

Candidate of Economic Sciences Mikhail Belyaev, in an interview with RT, commented on the bill adopted by the State Duma, which provides for the creation of a free economic zone (FEZ) in the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.

The economist explained that economic transactions can be carried out in these regions on a preferential basis.

"As a rule, this can be a preferential treatment for investments, for trade operations, tax reductions for certain types of activities, and so on," Belyaev said.

According to the expert, the new regions of Russia require not only the restoration of those economic facilities that existed there and suffered some damage, but also need modernization.

"They need additional investment to bring them into a competitive state. It is important that they are more closely matched and inscribed in the general mechanism of the Russian economy as a whole. This law is not only timely, but also necessary, "the interlocutor of RT concluded.

Earlier, the State Duma adopted a law on a free economic zone in the new regions of Russia.

In particular, a special regime of taxation and taxation of insurance premiums.