Teller Report

Big fraudster convicted of new fraud – scammed over SEK 16 million

6/20/2023, 4:34:14 PM

Highlights: Jönköping District Court sentences fraudster to another year and three months in prison. The man is currently serving a prison sentence for defrauding some 40 people of over SEK 24 million. In addition, he must pay damages of more than SEK 16 million. Another man in his 30s is sentenced to probation for aggravated fraud and must pay close to SEK 300,000 in damages together with the other convicted man. Three people were charged on suspicion of money laundering offences, but those charges were dismissed.

The man who was previously convicted of defrauding some 40 people of over SEK 24 million, is now sentenced by Jönköping District Court for even more serious fraud. The man is currently serving a prison sentence, but is now sentenced to another year and three months in prison. In addition, he must pay damages of more than SEK 16 million.

The man, who is from Växjö but has had a car dealership in Värnamo municipality, has lured people into investments that he said would give them good returns. However, it turned out to be a scam.

Extended time in prison

In total, according to the new verdict, he allegedly defrauded some 30 people of over SEK 16 million. Previously, the man was sentenced to a total of six years and six months in prison for various types of crime. In its ruling, the district court takes into account the man's previous convictions and his failing health, but believes that the crime is so serious that the man should be sentenced to another year and three months in prison.

Another man in his 30s is sentenced to probation for aggravated fraud and must pay close to SEK 300,000 in damages together with the other convicted man. Another three people were charged on suspicion of money laundering offences, but those charges were dismissed by the district court.

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In the clip, reporter Emma Johansson explains how the fraudster managed to deceive over 40 people out of around SEK 24 million. Photo: Jonas Tubbin and Truls Wallin/SVT