Teller Report

Special advantages of wearing black in summer that make you change your convictions

6/17/2023, 7:52:12 AM

Highlights: Black clothing is the best way to stay cool in hot weather, but this happens when a number of conditions are available. White clothing reflects a great deal of wavelengths of energy emitted by the sun, meaning that it reflects the sun's rays back in a way that many people do not know. Black clothing heats the space between fabric and leather to promote the upward air stream whenever a person experiences a good breath of wind. The effectiveness of wearing black clothes in the summer depends mainly on choosing light and loose black clothes, and that they are made of breathable natural fabric.

Black clothing is the best way to stay cool in hot weather, but this happens when a number of conditions are available that we review in this report.

Light-colored clothes are always associated with summer, and many promote the advantages of wearing white and bright tones as they reduce the body's vulnerability to the heat of the sun. But what most people don't know is that there are special advantages to wearing black in the summer that will make you completely change your convictions.

In fact, black clothing is the best way to stay cool in hot weather, but of course when a number of conditions are available that we review in this report.

Black clothing heats the space between fabric and leather to promote the upward air stream whenever a person experiences a good breath of wind (Getty Images)

White color equation and body temperature

Many claim that white is the perfect way to keep the body cool in summer. Because when we see white, we see a bright combination of all the visible light reflected on it like a mirror.

In fact, this means that white clothing reflects a great deal of wavelengths of energy emitted by the sun, meaning that it reflects the sun's rays back in a way that causes the problem that many people do not know.

This physical technique in the ability of the white color to reflect all sunlight leads to the reception and influence of the heat of hot rays, especially when wearing clothes in this color with synthetic fabrics and fibers that do not tolerate the passage of air or sweat.

Also, the heat doesn't just come from the sun. The human body, which sweats and naturally enjoys warm blood, also emits heat. So when that body heat hits the white clothing that covers it, it is reflected directly towards the body again.

White clothing reflects a great deal of wavelengths of energy emitted by the sun, meaning it reflects rays back (pixels)

How can wearing black make the difference?

On the other hand, according to many studies, the best color that can be worn to keep the body cool in hot weather is black, but of course when certain conditions are met.

When wearing dark black clothing, color may certainly absorb everything that comes from the sun, but it also absorbs energy from the body instead of reflecting it back in a rebound way. This helps the body free itself from heat and sweating.

However, the effectiveness of wearing black clothes in the summer depends mainly on choosing light and loose black clothes, and that they are made of breathable natural fabric and pass air and body sweat vapor.

Black clothing also needs a little help from weather conditions in order to be most effective in boosting body moisture and preventing overheating.

For example, if there is little wind on a sunny summer day, black clothing is the best choice for those who want to keep the body cool, but if the place is closed and there is no wind or any kind of draft, it may not make much difference when you wear it.

Black clothing works well in the sun if worn loosely, loosely and comfortably (Pixels)

Why did desert Bedouins use dark color and heavy clothing?

The question of whether to wear white or black in the summer heat has always been a source of debate, some of which have even stopped experts who have researched why Bedouins in various civilizations, which lived in African deserts and across the Arabian Peninsula, were famous for wearing black clothes and dark colors, and whether this prevailing option contributed in some way to boosting body moisture.

In a study titled "Why Bedouins Choose to Wear Black Despite Living in the Hot Desert?" they found that the key lies simply in the thickness of the clothes, not just the color.

According to the research, the outer layer of fabric gets hotter because black absorbs more heat. However, this heat does not reach the skin due to the thick texture, so they found that among the Bedouins it was preferable for the clothes to be thick, whether black or in other colors.

In thicker tissues the outer layer of fabric gets hotter because black absorbs more heat (Getty Images)

The researchers also found that black clothing worked well in the sun if it was worn loosely, loosely, comfortably and did not cling to the skin.

They found that the idea is that black clothing heats the space between fabric and leather to promote the upward air current whenever a person experiences a good breath of wind, which promotes a feeling of coolness and hydration.

Ultimately, the decision to wear black in the summer remains dependent on personal preference, comfort and the special conditions of the environment in which the person is located.

But it's always important to prioritize loose-fitting clothing, and to promote body comfort by wearing sunscreen and hats to protect against the consequences of the high heat during the harsh summer days.