Teller Report

Feijóo promises from a town of Teruel tax cuts to companies that settle in rural areas

6/17/2023, 12:12:37 PM

Highlights: The national president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, announced this Saturday in the town of Celadas in Teruel. He attended the constitution of the new City Council, an intensive tax reduction for companies that settle in rural areas. With his presence in Celadas, a town of 362 inhabitants, Feijo has supported Mayor Raquel Clemente, who has revalidated the absolute majority in the last elections. He has promised that, if he is president of Spain, there will be a tax Reduction for those who buy housing in the towns.

The national president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, announced this Saturday in the town of Celadas in Teruel, where he attended the constitution of the new...

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The national president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, announced this Saturday in the Teruel town of Celadas, where he attended the constitution of the new City Council, an intensive tax reduction for companies that settle in rural areas.

Likewise, he has promised that, if he is president of the Government of Spain, there will be a tax reduction for those who buy housing in the towns to reside in them.

The leader of the popular has also announced a system of residences and free nurseries in the villages to facilitate the reconciliation of families. And it will offer the Autonomous Communities 50% of the budget to make these social facilities.

Feijóo has indicated that he wanted to attend the constitution of a small town hall like Celadas, similar to where he was born, to make visible the importance of rural Spain and its commitment to fight against depopulation.

With his presence in Celadas, a town of 362 inhabitants, Feijóo has supported Mayor Raquel Clemente, who has revalidated the absolute majority in the last elections.

"I feel especially proud being here, with some colleagues from this wonderful town in the province of Teruel, Celadas. With a companion like Raquel Clemente, who has been elected for the fourth time mayor of this municipality and also forms the list to Congress for Teruel and I hope to be her partner in the next elections on July 23, "said the popular leader.

Raquel Clemente Muñoz holds the position of national secretary of Demographic Challenge within the Popular Party dependent on the Deputy Secretary of Social Policies.

Spain emptied

According to the PP, "the presence of Feijóo in Celadas is a symbolic gesture and demonstrates the party's interest in visualizing rural Spain, emptied Spain, and its particular problems, to which the party wants to respond."

A few months before the municipal elections, Feijóo presented in Teruel a decalogue of measures for the rural world and promised that, if he reaches the Presidency of the Government of Spain, he will create a "specific" taxation for the entire Spanish rural environment, so that "taxes are not a problem to live" in small municipalities.

Celadas is a town in Teruel with 362 inhabitants, located 18 kilometers from the capital of Teruel at the foot of the Sierra de Palomera. In the town highlights its parish church of Santo Domingo de Silos, work of Renaissance Gothic of the second half of the sixteenth century, as well as the hermitage of Santa Quiteria, baroque of the seventeenth century, as well as a Renaissance castle rebuilt after the Civil War.

Raque Clemente has held the position of mayor of Celadas since 2011 when she took over from Antonio Andrés Deocón who, in turn, governed the municipality since the first municipal elections of 1979 in which he ran in the ranks of the disappeared UCD.

  • Teruel
  • PP
  • Spain emptied
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo

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