Teller Report

Yolanda Díaz proposes that the tax on large fortunes be "permanent"

6/14/2023, 9:42:24 AM

Highlights: The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, has proposed that the tax on large fortunes be "permanent" and not circumstantial. She has also proposed a reform of corporate tax, increasing progressivity in personal income tax and innovating in alternative forms of taxation. Spain is 25 points below the European average productivity and "it is essential to talk about it," she says. "That old SEPI of the old twentieth century, I think it has to be reformulated," she adds.

The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, has proposed that the tax on large fortunes be "permanent" and not circumstantial, as well as the creation of a Council of...

  • Taxation The Treasury tried to hide its mistake in the tax on the rich that benefits Andalusia and Madrid and planned an illegal patch

The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, has proposed that the tax on large fortunes be "permanent" and not temporary, as well as the creation of a Productivity Council in Spain, whose task would be to promote reforms and take "effective measures" to improve productivity in the country.

This was also indicated by the Minister of Labor and Social Economy during her speech at the conference for the 45th anniversary of Cinco Días, where she explained that it is "essential" to reform public revenues thatadapts to the new Spanish reality, which improves its progressivity and ends fiscal injustice.

"Whoever has more, more must contribute," said Díaz, who has also proposed a reform of corporate tax, increasing progressivity in personal income tax and innovating in alternative forms of taxation, in reference to the green and digital transition.

On the Productivity Council, it would be formed by companies, unions, public administrations and university, and should respond to a "huge problem" in Spain and a "structural ballast" of the economy "that we dragged for four decades".

Spain is 25 points below the European average productivity and "it is essential to talk about it" because "it is the main factor of growth and wealth of the country," Díaz remarked, while he wanted to make it clear that "it is not only a figure, but it is an indispensable condition for the well-being of our country. "

The Minister of Labor has made other proposals: one of them referring to the control of margins to respond to the inflation crisis and another that is based on a business reform, so that companies increase their size, have more participation of workers and are more committed to green and digital transformation.

"New economic common sense"

In summary, the second vice president has opted to move towards a "new economic common sense" and for this it is key to talk about proposals and tell Spaniards how we are going to "control inflation", how we are going to "make life easier" for small businesses and "improve the lives of families", and do it "hand in hand with social dialogue". In this sense, he regretted the attitude of parties such as PSOE and PP and stressed that "it is not the way to do politics in the XXI century".

On the labor reform, he thanked employers and unions that defend it against those "irresponsible politicians" who say they are going to repeal it and at this point he asked the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, that "if he wants to commit to his country, withdraw the appeal of unconstitutionality against a norm that is no longer discussed in any country in the world. "

He recalled many of the numbers achieved thanks to that labor reform, but has acknowledged that now it is time to do it in the public sector, where there is "an unacceptable rate of temporality" that exceeds 31% and that is "unacceptable".

Finally, Díaz has referred to the situation of the State Society of Industrial Participations (SEPI), an organization that depends on the Ministry of Finance, something that has seemed "strange" and "strange". I believe that this body has to be modernized, just as the 15 large companies that belong to this entity, such as the EFE Agency, Navantia and Correos, have to be modernized. "That old SEPI of the old twentieth century, I think it has to be reformulated," he concluded.

  • Yolanda Diaz

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