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Trump appears in court again! Or "in shackles" to continue the campaign path?

6/14/2023, 12:11:10 AM

Highlights: On June 14, local time, the last day of the 6-year-old, Trump walked into the court again to appear in court. He made American history by becoming the first former president to be criminally charged with federal criminal charges in the "secret door" case. If he can win the Republican presidential nomination, will he continue the campaign path "in shackles"? Trump boarded his private jet at Miami International Airport on June 6. On the same day, Trump appeared in a federal court in Miami, Florida. The Associated Press said Trump pleaded not guilty to dozens of felony charges.

China News Network, June 6 (Chen Caixia, sweet) On June 14, local time, the last day of the 6-year-old, Trump walked into the court again to appear in court. He made American history by becoming the first former president to be criminally charged with federal criminal charges in the "secret door" case.

On the same day, Trump appeared in a federal court in Miami, Florida. The Associated Press said Trump pleaded not guilty to dozens of felony charges.

This is the second time since April that Trump has faced a judge on criminal charges. Previously, he was criminally charged for a "hush money" case and was arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court.

This time, Trump, who faces 37 charges, could be "100 years in prison" if convicted of all charges. If he can win the Republican presidential nomination, will he continue the campaign path "in shackles"?

Trump boarded his private jet at Miami International Airport on June 6. On the same day, Trump appeared in a federal court in Miami, Florida.

Appeared in court on the eve of his 77th birthday

On June 6, local time, Trump landed in Miami on a private jet with his eye-catching name printed on the side of the plane.

His supporters were also in place — they gathered outside a Miami golf club that belonged to Mr. Trump. At the same time, more supporters are planning to rush to Miami.

Miami Police Chief Manny Morales said police have barricaded outside the courthouse and will close downtown roads if necessary, "and we've brought in enough police to deal with crowds ranging from 5000,50000 to <>,<>." ”

Trump himself has called on supporters to go out and protest. Before heading to court on the 13th, he again posted on social media that it was "one of the saddest days in the history of our country." We are a country in decline!!! ”

CNN said that before the court hearing began, the deputy sheriff registered Trump and took an electronic copy of his fingerprints. They did not take a mugshot of Trump because he was easily recognizable. Trump's aide and co-defendant Walter Notta was also fingerprinted.

During the hearing, Trump sat quietly, crossed his arms, frowned, and did not speak. The Associated Press said a lawyer pleaded not guilty on behalf of Trump in a brief arraena.

After the court hearing, Trump stopped by a prominent Miami restaurant. He was surrounded by dozens of supporters, who shook hands and posed for photos.

Next, Trump will return to New Jersey to speak, and there will also be a private fundraiser.

Trump shakes hands with supporters at a Miami restaurant on June 6.

A case triggered by a raid

Trump has become the "male protagonist" of this litigation drama in the United States, starting with a raid in August 2022.

According to the New York Times previously reported, Trump left the White House with classified documents and allegedly refused to return them after being subpoenaed. On August 2022, 8, the FBI conducted a raid on Mar-a-Lago estate.

According to the list released afterwards, there were more than 33,1 documents or photos in the 1 boxes taken by law enforcement officers from Mar-a-Lago that day, of which about 100 were classified government documents, and a few were even "top secret".

According to Reuters, on June 2023, 6, Trump claimed to have been prosecuted for "secret mailgates". Subsequently, federal prosecutors in Florida disclosed the text of the indictment.

According to the 49-page indictment, many of the classified documents were in White House residences, packed in boxes along with clothing, gifts, photographs and other materials. It was then transported by the General Services Administration to Trump's private club and residence in Florida, Mar-a-Lago and stored in the bathroom, ballroom, and his bedroom.

The indictment alleges that the classified documents involve secret defense information such as the U.S. nuclear program, potential domestic security vulnerabilities in the event of an attack on the United States, and that Trump is well aware that he has material that he should not have.

In July 2021, six months after leaving the White House, a recording of a meeting involving Trump was expected to be key evidence against him, according to the New York Times.

On the same day, Trump showed a writer, a publisher and two of his employees a Pentagon-prepared military attack plan, and he also admitted that the material was secret and that he had no authority to declassify it.

"Look, as president, I could have declassified it," Trump said. "But now I can't, you know, but it's still a secret."

The staff smiled and replied, "Yes." Now we're in trouble. ”

The recording could raise questions for Trump's defense, suggesting that he knew some of the documents were classified and that he should not show them to people without security clearances, such as the writer.

Infographic: The U.S. Department of Justice released portions of written testimony submitted to the court by the FBI when it applied to search Mar-a-Lago. In order to ensure that the ongoing investigation and the safety of personnel were not affected, several pages of the document were almost completely blacked out.

Trump is the "only loser"?

Trump is not alone in the "secret door" scandal, and it was previously reported that secret documents were allegedly found in the homes of current US President Biden and former Vice President Pence.

In November 2022, Biden's lawyers packed up his former private office when they discovered classified documents from his time as vice president. In subsequent searches, more classified documents were found.

In January 2023, former US Vice President Mike Pence also found "a small number of documents marked with classified grades" in his home, and he then handed over the relevant confidential documents to the FBI under the Department of Justice. He said the documents were "accidentally boxed and shipped" to his home when he left office.

For Pence and Biden, there is no evidence that they knew of the existence of records before they were discovered and handed over. And both men were quick to file their records, which is important because the Justice Department considers the client's intentional or improper handling of government secrets to decide whether to bring criminal charges.

On June 6, the Justice Department informed Pence that no criminal charges would be filed against confidential documents found at his home in Indiana. In Biden's case, the president is exempt from prosecution during his term of office, even if the Justice Department determines that the case is indictable. For now, the federal investigation into Biden is still ongoing.

Infographic: US President Joe Biden. Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Mengtong

Stir up the 2024 election again

The Associated Press pointed out that this "lawsuit" over Trump has once again pulled Republicans back to the "familiar dilemma" - for years, they have often been forced to pay for Trump's "controversy".

Trump's main rival DeSantis and other candidates, as well as House Speaker McCarthy, have come out in support of Trump, accusing Democrats of "weaponizing" the judiciary for political purposes and trying to discredit and attack Trump and the Republican Party.

The New York Times has said that investigations into Trump tend to make him more popular among supporters, and Trump's prosecution may have a similar effect.

Legal experts believe that "hush money" cases carry relatively light weight, while "secret documents" cases involve charges of endangering state security, and if convicted, defendants may have "considerable" prison terms.

Politico said that even if he is eventually found guilty, Trump has promised to continue his bid for the president of the United States. So far, he is still the frontrunner in the race for the Republican presidential nomination in the 2024 US election.

"If Trump wins the Republican presidential primary nomination, he will accept the nomination in shackles. With multiple criminal charges, Trump could be imprisoned if elected. James Comey, the former director of the FBI, said, "Nominating a presidential candidate who is under criminal investigation and indictment does not know where it will lead us." (End)