Teller Report

Podemos convenes the State Citizen Council 48 hours after the closing of the lists to pressure Yolanda Díaz

6/13/2023, 12:11:13 PM

Highlights: Podemos will play its last pressure card on Saturday in the game it maintains with Yolanda Díaz to try to place its "vetoed" -Mainly the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero. The purple formation has convened its highest governing body the State Citizen Council on Saturday at 11.00 am, just 48 hours before the plates of the parties that attend the elections have to present their lists definitively closed before the Electoral Board. The State Council of the purples is thus presented as the propitious occasion for the party headed by Ione Belarra to launch a last order.

Podemos will play its last pressure card on Saturday in the game it maintains with Yolanda Díaz to try to place its "vetoed" -Mainly the Minister of...

  • 23-J The start of Yolanda Díaz's campaign is poisoned with the boycott of Podemos to include Irene Montero in the lists
  • Podemos Montero and Belarra are photographed "together" after the "veto of Yolanda" and Iglesias attacks her for "giving a victory to the media mafia"

Podemos will play its last pressure card on Saturday in the game it maintains with Yolanda Díaz to try to place its "vetoed" – mainly the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, and the spokesman in Congress, Pablo Echenique – in the candidacies of Sumar to the next general elections of 23-J.

The purple formation has convened its highest governing body the State Citizen Council on Saturday at 11.00 am, just 48 hours before the plates of the parties that attend the elections have to present their lists definitively closed before the Electoral Board.

The State Citizen Council had planned a meeting without date to analyze the result of the municipal and regional elections of 28-M that have been a real debacle for the purple, but this object is now clearly overcome by the call to general polls and especially by the frontal war they have opened with the Sumar coalition, to which they have adhered with the bleeding wound that supposes the exclusion of Irene Montero and Pablo Echenique from the lists.

Since last Friday, the general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, announced the inclusion of Podemos in the coalition led by Yolanda Díaz, along with a score more formations located to the left of the PSOE, the purples have not stopped pressing by land, sea and air demanding a review of the electoral plates to make room in them and in position to exit the Minister of Equality.

This demand has been ignored by Yolanda Díaz who has even publicly chosen to ignore it considering it a matter of no interest to citizens. Although Díaz has not explained at any time his reasons for vetoing Montero, it is evident that in the decision to exclude her from the candidacy weighs the fiasco of the law of only yes is yes, a norm modified after seven months of reductions of sentences to sex offenders with the vote against the purple formation and Díaz herself. but that the former Minister of Equality continues to defend and wave as a flag of feminism and that, clearly, would claim in campaign.

The State Council of the purples is thus presented as the propitious occasion for the party headed by Belarra to launch a last order. In Podemos they deny both officially and unofficially the limit possibility of ending up disregarding Sumar or withdrawing their names from the coalition's lists. They insist that this option is not on the table and also add that the party that, presumably registered by mistake, Juntas sí se puede, in no case will it be an instrument to present in extremis lists of Podemos. The procedure for carrying out such a manoeuvre is not simple and the deadline for complying with it would be extremely short. However, that ghost formation has not yet been annulled.

The general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, will address the State Council on Saturday in an open intervention and, afterwards, the members of the highest body of the party between congresses will debate behind closed doors. Belarra will presumably insist, in a message addressed to Díaz, on the error that the veto of Montero represents for the purples.

Ione Belarra has been included in Sumar's lists. Specifically, it appears as number five in the candidacy for Madrid. In the number four position for Barcelona has been included the Secretary of Organization of Podemos, Lilith Verstrynge.

Also part of the lists as number one are Javier Sánchez Serna (Murcia); Idoia Villanueva (Navarra); Pilar Garrido (Guipúzcoa); Roberto Uriarte (Álava); Martina Velarde (Granada) and Noemí Santana (Las Palmas). Likewise, Podemos has been assigned the first positions for Badajoz, Cáceres, Guadalajara, Ávila, Palencia, Segovia and Teruel, provinces for which it is difficult for them to obtain a seat.

  • Can
  • Irene Montero
  • Yolanda Diaz
  • Add
  • Pablo Echenique
  • PSOE

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