Teller Report

China has completely phased out 23 types of persistent organic pollutants

6/13/2023, 1:21:28 AM

Highlights: Up to now, China has completely eliminated 12 types of persistent organic pollutants controlled by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. The emission intensity of dioxins in major industries in the country has dropped significantly. The production, use, import and export of SCCPs are prohibited, nine specific exemptions are retained until 5 December 2023. The announcement stipulates environmental risk control requirements, including the prohibition of hexachlorobutadiene, polychlorinaphthalene, pentachlorophenol and DecaBDE.

Beijing, June 6 (ZXS) -- The relevant person in charge of the Department of Solid Waste and Chemicals of China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment told reporters on the 12th that up to now, China has completely eliminated 12 types of persistent organic pollutants controlled by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, completed the compliance target for the offline disposal of power equipment containing PCBs ahead of schedule, and the emission intensity of dioxins in major industries in the country has dropped significantly.

The person in charge said that persistent organic pollutants have the potential for persistence, bioaccumulation and long-range environmental transport, and have adverse effects on human health or the ecological environment. In order to reduce, eliminate and prevent persistent organic pollutant pollution and protect human health and the ecological environment from the harm of persistent organic pollutants, the international community concluded the above-mentioned Convention in 2001.

Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the relevant departments of the National Coordination Group for the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention jointly issued the "Announcement on the Environmental Risk Management and Control Requirements of Five Persistent Organic Pollutants including Polychlorinated Naphthalene". The announcement stipulates environmental risk control requirements, including the prohibition of the production, use, import and export of hexachlorobutadiene, polychlorinaphthalene, pentachlorophenol and their salts and esters; The production, use, import and export of SCCPs are prohibited, nine specific exemptions such as additives used in the production of conveyor belts in the natural and synthetic rubber industry are retained until 5 December 2023, and the production, use, import and export of DecaBDE are prohibited.

It has been 19 years since the above-mentioned Convention entered into force for China, and the relevant person in charge of the Department of Solid Waste and Chemicals of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said that up to now, China has completely eliminated 23 types of persistent organic pollutants controlled by the Convention, completed the compliance target for the offline disposal of polychlorinated biphenyl-containing power equipment ahead of schedule, cleaned up and disposed of more than <>,<> tons of persistent organic pollutant wastes left over from hundreds of historical sites, and the emission intensity of dioxins in major industries in the country has dropped significantly. Through compliance, the production and environmental emissions of hundreds of thousands of tons of persistent organic pollutants per year have been reduced, and the content level of organochlorine persistent organic pollutants in environmental and biological samples has generally shown a downward trend, making an important contribution to the improvement of environmental quality. (End)