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"The Wandering Earth" director Guo Fan: Science fiction movies are fearless forward

6/12/2023, 3:20:40 AM

Highlights: Guo Fan is recognized as the "pioneer" of Chinese science fiction films. Science fiction was the starting point for his love of movies and his decision to change careers to directing. Guo Fan believes that "technology" and "emotion" in science fiction movies present a complementary relationship. The Wandering Earth 2 builds a believable world with the help of more than 20 scientific advisors. He expects that in the future, there will be sci-fi films of various genres and discussion directions.

Shanghai, 6 June (ZXS) -- Topic: Guo Fan, director of "The Wandering Earth": Science fiction movies move forward fearlessly

Written by Wang Di

Guo Fan, director of the "Wandering Earth" series, has a "tense" schedule. At the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival, everyone seemed to be looking for him. The busy Director Guo went to the "Science Fiction Film Week", and the forum full of friends made him "nervous" on stage, "I didn't expect science fiction movies to receive such high attention."

Guo Fan is recognized as the "pioneer" of Chinese science fiction films. Science fiction was the starting point for his love of movies and his decision to change careers to directing.

"The biggest charm of science fiction movies is that maybe what is shot today will become real in a few decades. The significance of science fiction movies is to plant the seeds of love for science and imagination in children's hearts. Guo Fan said.

After the explosion of the "The Wandering Earth" series, young creators often "learn from Guo". What is the core of science fiction movies? In Guo Fan's view, the answer is "emotion", and all technology and imagination in the film must be tightly "tied" to emotions.

In the world-famous movie "Interstellar", sci-fi settings such as high-dimensional worlds, wormholes, and black holes are deeply connected with the emotions between Cooper's father and daughter, allowing young fathers to see their aging daughters, which deeply touched many audiences; In this year's Spring Festival hit "The Wandering Earth 2", Andy Lau's Tu Hengyu finally entered the digital world and met his daughter Tuya again, who died unexpectedly, which also made some fans cry.

Guo Fan believes that "technology" and "emotion" in science fiction movies present a complementary relationship. The Wandering Earth 2 builds a believable world with the help of more than 20 scientific advisors. "A complete worldview can help us better fulfill our roles, and these experts are essential."

In the presence of Director Guo, there will be a "reminder to change". The host improvised "throwing the terrier": "It's late at night, thinking that Guo Fan is sleeping at the moment and has not started filming "The Wandering Earth 3", I want to wake him up. Guo Fan responded generously: "Before doing "The Wandering Earth 3", we hope to take more time to investigate and recognize those new technologies, such as how to view and apply artificial intelligence. After doing these investigations and evaluations, we will start the subsequent creation. ”

However, Guo Fan will also be "anxious". He found that a large number of artificial intelligence applications have recently entered the film industry, which may revolutionize people's in-depth understanding of film and television creation and production. "Disruptive technology has emerged, depicting the whole scene through a single piece of text, and even on a mobile phone it is difficult to tell if it is a video without actors, without shooting. As filmmakers, we also need to do more preparation. ”

Guo Fan expects that in the future, there will be sci-fi films of various genres and discussion directions, so that sci-fi films can truly "stand up" and reach a "viewing contract" with today's audience. "There is a long way to go in science fiction films, and we will continue to work hard to face technological innovation because the future is here." (End)