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"Chinese Science Fiction Cutting-edge Series" (first series) was first released in Shenzhen

6/11/2023, 2:01:15 PM

Highlights: "China Science Fiction New Series" (first series) new book launch and reader meeting activity. Authors of the series shared their creative stories on the spot, attracting a large number of science fiction fans to participate. The first series includes Chen Qiufan's "Winner's Holy Land", Wang Nuonuo's "One Day of Floating Life", Tan Gang's "Three Days and Moon", and Fractal Orange's "Earth Gods: Return of the Dead", jointly published by Shenzhen Publishing House, Science and Fantasy Growth Fund and Morning Star Award.

China News Network Shenzhen, June 6 (Reporter Zheng Xiaohong) "China Science Fiction New Series" (first series) new book launch and reader meeting activity, on the 11th by the National New Book Launch Center and Shenzhen Publishing House in the Shenzhen Book City Central City, the authors of the series shared their creative stories on the spot, attracting a large number of science fiction fans to participate.

"Chinese Science Fiction Cutting-edge Series" is edited by Wang Jinkang, who is known as a Chinese science fiction champion, Liu Cixin, author of "The Three-Body Problem" and "The Wandering Earth", Wu Yan, director of the Science and Human Imagination Research Center of Southern University of Science and Technology, and Han Song, a famous science fiction writer. The first series of the series includes Chen Qiufan's "Winner's Holy Land", Wang Nuonuo's "One Day of Floating Life", Tan Gang's "Three Days and Moon", and Fractal Orange's "Earth Gods: Return of the Dead", which are jointly published by Shenzhen Publishing House, Science and Fantasy Growth Fund and Morning Star Award.

The creation and sharing of the new book of "Chinese Science Fiction New Series". Photo by Zheng Xiaohong

Nie Xiongqian, editor-in-chief of Shenzhen Publishing Group and president of Shenzhen Publishing House, said that he believes that this series of books can strengthen the exchange and collaboration of local science fiction forces in Shenzhen, provide excellent basic works for science fiction, and provide a good platform for the promotion of works and IP operation of emerging science fiction writers.

Wang Jinkang said: "The Chinese Science Fiction Emerging Series (Volume I) represents the first-class level of science fiction works incubated and selected by Shenzhen, and the authors of the four new books are all outstanding among the new generation of Chinese science fiction writers. ”

Ma Guobin, founder and chairman of the Science and Fantasy Growth Fund and special expert of the National Book Launch Center, said that the four talented young science fiction writers all have the experience of growing up in Shenzhen, which makes this set of books have a unique scientific and technological perspective and Shenzhen perspective, bringing a new unique style and cultural characteristics to Chinese science fiction creation.

Readers interact with the author of the series Shenzhen Book City Photo courtesy

With the popularity of film and television works such as "The Wandering Earth" and "The Three-Body Problem" in recent years, "Liu Cixin Fever" has set off a sci-fi frenzy in China. Four young science fiction writers with different styles respectively demonstrated the diversity of science fiction works with their new works: Mao Dun Newcomer Award winner Chen Qiufan, as the first "creator" in China to propose the term "science fiction realism", his science fiction short story collection "Winner's Holy Land" focuses on the realistic proposition of "love and fear in the AI era"; "Science Fiction World" columnist Wang Nuonuo, as a local post-90s science fiction young writer in Shenzhen, has built a unique and magnificent new world with his science fiction short story collection "A Day of Floating Life"; Morning Star Award and Cold Lake Award winner Tan Gang's "Three Days and Moon" is his sci-fi debut, describing the future picture of the struggle between human beings and AI; In his novel "Earth Gods: Return of the Dead", Fractal Orange, winner of the Morning Star Award, China Science Fiction Galaxy Award, and Global Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award, presents the confrontation between the age of the gods and human civilization in the form of science fiction mythology, showing a pure hard science fiction style.

As a cultural benchmark brand created by Shenzhen's innovation, the National Book Launch Center has successively released new works by Wang Meng, Liu Qing, Zhou Guoping, Ge Jianxiong, Liang Yongan, Shen Shixi, Renke and other famous artists, becoming a new book release platform for the industry and public readers across the country. (End)