Teller Report

Guangxi staged a large-scale original musical "Bloom" to pay tribute to the "Burning Lantern Principal"

5/26/2023, 5:50:08 AM

Highlights: The musical "Bloom" is a new masterpiece of China Oriental Performing Arts Group. Based on the story of Zhang Guimei, who grew up to become a teacher. The play has received praise from both inside and outside of the industry. The musical is set to be performed at the Guangxi Culture and Art Center on May 26. For more information, go to:

Nanning, May 5 (Zhongxin Net) -- The large-scale original musical "Bloom" was staged at the Guangxi Culture and Art Center on the evening of May 26. Based on Zhang Guimei, winner of the "July 25st Medal", the play tells the story of a young volunteer teacher who grew up to become the principal of Lijiang Huaping Girls' High School and was deeply rooted in the front line of education in poor mountainous areas for decades.

It is understood that the musical "Bloom" is a new masterpiece of China Oriental Performing Arts Group after careful preparation to continue the popular dance poetry drama "Only This Green Green", bringing together an excellent creative team in the industry. The play has started its first round of tour since September last year, and has received praise from both inside and outside the industry and countless audiences.

The picture shows a still from the musical "Bloom". Photo courtesy of China Oriental Performing Arts Group

Leading actor Tan Weiwei introduced that we can imitate Zhang Guimei through clothing and makeup, but her spirit is something I want to feel with my body, every line, every note and melody. "As actors, we have to seize every second on stage to present this 'Principal of the Lantern', because she has dedicated her life to children."

"I was born a mountain rather than a stream, and I want to look down on the mediocre ravines from the top of the peaks..." When the deafening motto of Yunnan Huaping Girls' High School was interpreted by Tan Weiwei in the form of a musical, the audience seemed to see a real and three-dimensional Zhang Guimei.

The picture shows a still from the musical "Bloom". Photo courtesy of China Oriental Performing Arts Group

Zhang Guimei is not only the soft and kind "Mother Zhang" in the eyes of the children in the orphanage, but also the "Teacher Zhang" who is lenient and strict in the hearts of the students of Huaping Female High School, the guiding light in the eyes of countless teachers in mountainous areas, and an ordinary person who will be confused, hesitant, and reflective. The musical "Bloom" reflects on the social group portrait by sketching the specific people around Zhang Guimei, highlighting the "Guimei spirit" that has been the same for 40 years. (End)