Teller Report

Found dead photographer Ari Boulogne, who claimed to be the son of Alain Delon

5/20/2023, 5:19:11 PM

Highlights: The body of a man believed to be the son of French actor Alain Delon was found in Paris on Saturday. The man, identified as Ari Boulogne, had been in a relationship with Delon since the early 1960s. He had filed a lawsuit for the recognition of his paternity in 2013, but the case was thrown out by a French court. The case has now been re-opened by the Paris prosecutor's office, who are investigating the circumstances of the man's death.

The photographer Ari Boulogne, who claimed to be the son of French actor Alain Delon, who has always denied his paternity, was found this Saturday dead at his home in...

The photographer Ari Boulogne, who claimed to be the son of French actor Alain Delon, who has always denied his paternity, was found dead on Saturday at his home in Paris, a suspicious fact that has led to an arrest and the opening of a judicial investigation.

The Paris prosecutor's office confirmed Boulogne's death and an arrest that, according to the newspaper Le Parisien, which had revealed the information, could be his partner, a 58-year-old woman, who is accused of not having provided assistance.

The aim of the investigation is to clarify the circumstances of the death of this man, who was hemiplegic, born in 1962 and son of the German model and singer Nico, who had a brief relationship with Alain Delon in the early 1960s.

It was the woman now arrested who notified the police at dawn, that when she went to the floor she found the body of the photographer in an advanced state of decomposition.

According to Le Parisien, the woman said that she herself found the body on her return from a trip accompanied by her son.

Ari Boulogne, who grew up with Alain Delon's mother, from whom he took his surname, claimed to the French Justice for years to recognize him as the actor's son, but so far without success.

In 2019 he filed a lawsuit for the recognition of paternity before the Judicial Court of Orleans because that city is the capital of the Loiret department where the French film giant has a house.

However, the following year the court had held that the French courts were territorially incompetent since Alain Delon has been resident in Switzerland since 1984.

Ari Boulogne returned in adolescence with his mother, who introduced him to his artistic activity, but also to the world of drugs. Since her death in 1988, he was several times hospitalized in psychiatric hospitals and did different detoxification cures.

  • Paris

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