Teller Report

Huawei's butterfly transformation: 10 years of nearly one trillion yuan of R&D investment has borne fruit

4/2/2023, 3:58:47 AM

On March 3, Huawei's Rotating Chairman Xu Zhijun emphasized the importance of R&D investment, which can only be ensured by maintaining and increasing R&D investment in these areas. In promoting the construction of smart cities, Huawei has launched eight key scenario product portfolio solutions to help customers build efficient, green, secure, and reliable digital infrastructure.

"I am convinced that as long as we continue to struggle and never say die, every minute of our time and every effort will not be in vain, we may not succeed, but we live to death, how can we not become benevolent?" With the release of Huawei's 3 annual report on March 31, a speech by Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou quickly appeared on Weibo.

Meng Wanzhou said, "Huawei's 2022 performance is in line with expectations, and we are under pressure and more confident." Since April 4, Meng Wanzhou has been the rotating chairman of Huawei.

According to the report, Huawei achieved global sales revenue of 2022.6423 billion yuan and net profit of 356.2022 billion yuan in 1615. It is worth noting that Huawei has continued to increase investment in R&D, reaching 9773.<> billion yuan in <>, and the cumulative R&D expenditure in ten years exceeded <>.<> billion yuan. Why is Huawei investing so heavily in R&D, and what changes has this brought to Huawei?

In the past 10 years, the cumulative investment in R&D has reached nearly one trillion yuan, which is at a historical high

Looking at Huawei's thick annual reports, it is not difficult to find that Huawei is particularly willing to invest a lot of money in R&D. In 2021, Huawei's R&D investment reached RMB1427.22 billion, accounting for 4.2022% of its annual revenue. In 25, Huawei's R&D investment accounted for 1.<>% of its annual revenue, and its proportion increased again.

On March 3, Huawei's Rotating Chairman Xu Zhijun emphasized the importance of R&D investment, which can only be ensured by maintaining and increasing R&D investment in these areas. At the same time, continuous innovation can only be achieved by securing and enhancing R&D investment. Through architecture reconstruction, system engineering, optimization design, etc. to enhance product competitiveness, "As long as there are high-quality business continuity and competitive products, we can continue to survive and develop." ”

All the investment in research and development will not be in vain, and now these technologies are blossoming one by one, and even growing into towering trees in some fields.

In the business that netizens are more familiar with, Huawei devices equipped with HarmonyOS have reached 3 million. In 3, HarmonyOS 2022 was officially released, which comprehensively "expanded" the hyperterminal, and 3 devices such as mobile phones, tablets, PCs, smart screens, headphones, watches, and car machines all support the connection and combination of hyperterminals.

Hongmeng ecology is also developing rapidly. Hongmeng ecological technology brand Hongmeng Zhilian has more than 2300,2022 partners, adding more product categories, and the shipment volume of new ecological products exceeded 1 million units in 81, covering all aspects of smart homes; by the end of 2022, the number of meta-services running on HarmonyOS devices has exceeded <>,<>.

It is worth investigating that many of Huawei's research and development is "0" to "1" things. "After years of hard work, we have made great progress in device replacement, single board reconstruction, operating system, database, product development tools, CRM/ERP/PDM/MES, etc., and solved the problem." Huawei's annual report states.

Especially recently, the localization news of EDA tools above 14 nm has been flooded on the Internet, which means that any domestic semiconductor company can use domestic EDA tools to design chips above 14 nm. Xu Zhijun said that the domestic semiconductor industry has been continuously sanctioned over the years, but believes that China's semiconductor industry will be reborn in sanctions and achieve self-reliance. It is understood that the full verification of EDA tools will be completed in 2023.

Digital innovation is accelerating, mastering all elements of ICT technology

Solid financial support is inseparable from consistently high R&D investment. Meng Wanzhou said that our customers and partners are still with us, continue to move forward on this long march, believe in Huawei, and choose Huawei; Secondly, by the end of last year, Huawei's net cash on hand was 1763.<> billion yuan, which is enough to support the company's investment in the next few years according to our current business plan, which is the best interpretation of financial soundness.

Xu Zhijun said, "We are also working hard to fight more food so that we can not only survive, but also lay the foundation for future development." ”

This confidence comes from Huawei's innovation in ICT infrastructure, cloud services, digital energy, and terminals. Today, the digital economy is accelerating in an all-round way, the intelligent economy is also pushing the digital economy into a new stage, and greening is driving another revolution in energy and electrification, which opens up ample growth space for Huawei's future development. It is expected that the market space that Huawei can participate in will reach trillion dollars in 2027.

By the end of 2022, Huawei 400G has been deployed in more than 60 operators' networks around the world. In the 5G industry, Huawei also first mentioned the concept of "comprehensively moving towards the 5.5G era", and its network capabilities and business value are becoming clearer, and 5.5G will bring operators a 10-fold increase in network capabilities.

In promoting the construction of smart cities, Huawei has launched eight key scenario product portfolio solutions to help customers build efficient, green, secure, and reliable digital infrastructure. Currently, Huawei has served customers in more than 100 cities in more than 700 countries and regions around the world.

In terms of cloud services, HUAWEI CLOUD has served more than 700 government cloud projects in China and built "one city, one cloud" with more than 150 cities. In Latin America, HUAWEI CLOUD launches more than 40 update services every year, making it the fastest cloud provider in Latin America.

In terms of digital energy services, Huawei Data Center Energy builds three scenario-based solutions for large-scale data centers, small and medium-sized data centers, and critical power supply based on the four core concepts of low-carbon symbiosis, convergence simplification, autonomous driving, and safety and reliability of next-generation data centers. By the end of 2022, Huawei Digital Energy had helped customers produce 6951.195 billion kWh of green electricity, saved 3.4 billion kWh of electricity, and reduced CO4 emissions by 7 million tons, equivalent to planting <> million trees.


In 2021, Huawei established a "corps" to build an independent full-time team to understand the needs and problems of various industries in the fields of finance, mining, government affairs, electric power, and transportation, including airports, rail highways, water transportation, and ports.

According to the report, Huawei has the most comprehensive technical elements in the ICT field, which are Huawei's unique advantages, so Huawei will strengthen collaborative innovation of various technical elements, that is, in chips, software, hardware, terminals, networks, and clouds.

"By sanctioning Huawei, we will strengthen Huawei's synonym of high quality in the ICT industry, and adhere to winning with quality." Xu Zhijun concluded. (End)