Teller Report

Ban TikTok? US congressman released the first TikTok video: NO!

3/27/2023, 8:27:31 AM

Immediately afterwards, Ocasio-Cortez talked about TikTok CEO Zhou Shouzi's attendance at the US House of Representatives hearing and expressed his views. Speaking about the reasons why some politicians in the United States tried to ban TikTok, Ocasio-Cortez said: "They say we should ban this app (TikTok) because of the staggering amount of data collected.", March 3 -- "Do I think TikTok should be banned? No. Recently, Representative Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez, Democratic Party of New York, USA, made it clear in her first TikTok video.

Ocasio-Cortez begins the video by saying: "This is not only my first TikTok video, but also a TikTok video about TikTok. ”

Data graphic: Representative Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez, Democratic Party of New York.

Immediately afterwards, Ocasio-Cortez talked about TikTok CEO Zhou Shouzi's attendance at the US House of Representatives hearing and expressed his views.

"I think it's necessary to discuss what an unprecedented move this would be," she said. Never before has the United States banned the existence and operation of a social media company within our nation. It is an application with more than 1 million US users. ”

Speaking about the reasons why some politicians in the United States tried to ban TikTok, Ocasio-Cortez said: "They said we should ban this app (TikTok) because of the staggering amount of data collected." However, this doesn't really get to the heart of the problem. ”

"In fact, the United States is one of the few developed countries in the world that does not have significant data or privacy laws... So, in my opinion, the solution now should not be to ban individual companies, but to actually protect Americans from staggering data collection. ”

Ocasio-Cortez also revealed that "usually, when the United States proposes a major initiative related to a significant risk to national security, one of the first things that happens is that Congress receives a classified briefing." But Congress did not receive a classified briefing on TikTok's national security risks. ”

"So why did we directly propose a ban on such an important issue? I just don't feel quite right. She said.

The Hill said that if the decision to ban TikTok is really that important to US national security, then the public should know what kind of information the platform may leak. In response, Ocasio-Cortez reiterated that the United States should investigate all social media platforms.

This video by Ocasio Cortez has been liked and retweeted by many netizens. Some netizens commented, "Thank you for making a sound of sanity. "Keep TikTok!"

Another netizen said, "If they want to ban TikTok, then they should ban Facebook, photo walls, Twitter, etc.!" ”

Regarding TikTok CEO Zhou Shouzi's attendance at a hearing in the U.S. Congress, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on March 3 that the Chinese government attaches great importance to and protects data privacy and security in accordance with the law, and has never and will not require companies or individuals to collect or provide data, information and intelligence located in foreign countries for the Chinese government in a way that violates local laws.

Mao Ning also said that the US government has not provided any evidence so far to prove that TikTok threatens US national security, but has repeatedly made presumption of guilt and unreasonable suppression of relevant enterprises. We have also noted that some members of the US Congress have stated that seeking to ban TikTok is xenophobic political persecution. The US side should earnestly respect the principles of market economy and fair competition, stop unjustifiably suppressing enterprises of other countries, and provide an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for enterprises from all countries to invest and operate in the United States.