Teller Report

Xi Jinping meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin

3/20/2023, 9:00:47 PM

Moscow, 3 Mar (Xinhua) -- On the afternoon of 20 March local time, President Xi Jinping, who had just arrived in Moscow, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin at his request. When Xi Jinping arrived, the Kremlin commander was greeted at the drop-off site. President Putin warmly shakes hands with Xi Jinping and poses for a group photo. The two heads of state had in-depth and fran

Moscow, 3 Mar (Xinhua) -- On the afternoon of 20 March local time, President Xi Jinping, who had just arrived in Moscow, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin at his request.

When Xi Jinping arrived, the Kremlin commander was greeted at the drop-off site. President Putin warmly shakes hands with Xi Jinping and poses for a group photo. The two heads of state had in-depth and frank exchanges on China-Russia relations and issues of common concern.

Xi Jinping pointed out that he is pleased to pay another state visit to Russia at the invitation of President Putin. Ten years ago, I chose Russia for my first foreign trip after becoming president, and I still remember it vividly. For 10 years, I have maintained close contact with President Putin. Whether I was re-elected as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China or re-elected as President of China not long ago, you sent me a congratulatory message as soon as possible, and I am deeply grateful. Russia will hold presidential elections next year. Under your strong leadership, Russia has made great progress in its development and revitalization. I am confident that the Russian people will continue to give you unwavering support.

Xi Jinping stressed that the development of China-Russia relations to today has its profound historical logic. As the largest neighbor and comprehensive strategic cooperation partner, China-Russia relations occupy a priority position in their respective overall foreign affairs and foreign policies. China has always pursued an independent foreign policy. Consolidating and developing China-Russia relations well is a strategic choice made by China based on its own fundamental interests and the general trend of world development. The general direction of strengthening strategic cooperation between China and Russia is unswerving. Both China and Russia are committed to national development and rejuvenation, support multipolarization of the world, and promote democracy in international relations. The two sides should further deepen practical cooperation in various fields, strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral platforms such as the United Nations, help their respective countries develop and revitalize, and become the mainstay of world peace and stability.

Putin warmly welcomed Xi Jinping's state visit to Russia and once again extended warm congratulations to Xi Jinping on his re-election as President of China. Putin said that in the past decade, China has made great achievements in all aspects of development that have attracted the attention of the world, which is attributed to the excellent leadership of President Xi Jinping and proves the superiority of China's national system and governance system. I firmly believe that under the strong leadership of President Xi Jinping, China will continue to develop and prosper and smoothly achieve its ambitious goals. With the joint efforts of both sides, Russian-Chinese relations have achieved fruitful results in various fields in recent years. The Russian side is willing to continue to deepen bilateral practical cooperation with China, strengthen communication and cooperation in international affairs, and promote the process of multipolarization of the world and democracy in international relations.

The two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on the Ukraine issue. Xi Jinping stressed that on the Ukraine issue, peaceful and rational voices are constantly accumulating, and most countries support easing tensions, advocate persuasion and talks, and oppose adding fuel to the fire. Historically, conflicts have ultimately been resolved through dialogue and negotiation. Not long ago, China issued a special position paper, calling for a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis, opposing the Cold War mentality and opposing unilateral sanctions. We believe that the more difficult it is, the more space must be left for peace; The sharper the contradictions, the more we must not give up our efforts at dialogue. China is willing to continue to play a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the Ukrainian issue.

Putin said that Russia appreciates China's consistent impartial, objective and balanced position on major international issues and upholding fairness and justice. The Russian side has carefully studied China's position paper on the political settlement of the Ukrainian issue, is open to peace talks, and welcomes China's constructive role in this regard.

The two heads of state said that they look forward to meeting again tomorrow and planning a new blueprint for the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the coming period.