Teller Report

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Roberts Calls US Banking System Unsafe

3/13/2023, 6:53:46 PM

Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of the treasury during the Ronald Reagan administration, expressed confidence that the American banking system is not safe.

He said this in an interview with RIA Novosti.

“The banking system is not safe,” Roberts said.

The analyst explained this by the fact that the five largest US banks bear the risk of losses, which are more than twice the world GDP.

On March 11, it became known that a large Silicon Valley Bank was closed in California.

This was the largest bank failure in the US since the 2008 financial crisis.

It also became known that the New York Signature Bank was closed due to systemic risks.

According to former US President Donald Trump, the country is on the verge of a new Great Depression due to the economic policies of American leader Joe Biden.