Teller Report

On the 12th anniversary of the Syrian crisis, the US House of Representatives rejected the resolution to withdraw troops from Syria

3/9/2023, 7:48:29 AM

According to the US "Capitol Hill" report, on the 8th local time, the results of the US House of Representatives vote showed that the House of Representatives rejected the resolution on the withdrawal of US troops from Syria within 6 months. Gregory Meeks, the Democratic leader of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, said that he does not support the "indefinite" presence of U.S. troops in Syria, but the withdrawal resolution is "premature" and will leave partner forces "isolated and helpless."

  China News Service, March 9 (Xinhua) According to the US "Capitol Hill" report, on the 8th local time, the voting results showed that the US House of Representatives rejected a resolution requiring the US to withdraw its troops from Syria within 6 months.

  According to reports, the resolution was sponsored by Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz (Matt Gaetz), but in the end only 103 congressmen supported the resolution calling on US President Biden to withdraw troops from Syria, while 321 opposed it.

Data map: Republican Congressman Matt Gates of Florida, USA.

  Gates said in the House of Representatives that the U.S. troops stationed in Syria have fallen into a "hellish quagmire of war" and that the U.S. anti-terrorism operations in Syria have no end.

He also said that the extremist organization "Islamic State" (ISIS) in Syria does not pose a serious threat to the United States, and American soldiers should be withdrawn as soon as possible.

  The report pointed out that about 900 American soldiers remain in Syria, where they carry out operations against the "Islamic State".

  Opponents of the resolution say it is vital to review the presence of U.S. troops in Syria, but withdrawing from Syria would allow foreign terrorist groups such as the Islamic State to strengthen and pose a threat to Americans.

  Gregory Meeks, the Democratic leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, said that he does not support the "indefinite" presence of U.S. troops in Syria, but the withdrawal resolution is "premature" and will leave partner forces "isolated and helpless."

  In March 2011, the Syrian crisis broke out.

In 2014, the U.S. military intervened in the Syrian conflict under the guise of "fighting extremist organizations" without the permission of the Syrian government, and sent ground troops to northeastern Syria the following year.

  According to data released by the United Nations, the military intervention of the United States has caused at least 350,000 lives in Syria, more than 12 million people have been displaced, and 14 million civilians are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

  In 2019, the then U.S. President Trump announced that all U.S. troops stationed in northern Syria would be withdrawn, but later changed his words and said that some troops would be kept in northern Syria to protect the local oil fields.

But the irony is that the United States has repeatedly been exposed to stealing Syrian oil and wheat resources illegally stationed in Syria.

  On March 4, 2023, Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, made a surprise visit to a US military base in Syria.

Milley claimed that the reason for the U.S. military not withdrawing from northeastern Syria is for the safety of the U.S. and its allies.

  In this regard, the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement stating that it strongly condemned Mark Milley's entry into the illegal US military base in northern Syria.

The statement said that this was a flagrant violation of Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and demanded that the United States immediately stop its continuous and systematic violations of international law.