Teller Report

“Everything was raging inside: it will raise it - it won’t raise it”: Krylova about the success of Kaganovskaya and Angelopol and working with Moskvina’s couples

3/9/2023, 11:22:09 AM

Vasilisa Kaganovskaya and Valery Angelopol won the final of the Russian Grand Prix in figure skating, despite all the difficulties they faced during the season. According to the dancers' coach Anzhelika Krylova, the partners were sick for a long time and had no competitive practice for three months, and in St. Petersburg they had to adapt to the unusual size of the site. The specialist also spoke about whether the wards are in danger of star disease, explained why there should be subordination in communication with the elite, and shared her thoughts about the upcoming work with the leading pairs of Tamara Moskvina.

Many years ago, when they first appeared in the national team, the future two-time Olympic champions Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov cheekily said that it was absolutely not their plan to stand in a dance line for years waiting for their finest hour.

And that, figuratively speaking, they will do everything possible to swap cars on the go.

Vasilisa Kaganovskaya and Valery Angelopol managed something similar this season.

Angelica Krylova's wards went to their first adult start as juniors, and completed the recent final of the Russian Grand Prix in fact in the rank of the country's strongest dance couple.

This was dictated by the first question to the coach.

— Are you happy?

- Very.

First of all, I am satisfied with how the guys skated both dances in St. Petersburg.

It is clear that by the end of the season, the programs are already being performed almost on the subconscious, but it has developed for us very, very difficult.

There were not enough competitions, especially since we missed the Russian Championship.

At first, Vasilisa was ill for a long time and also recovered for a long time.

Next covered Valery.

We had a break between starts for almost three months, and it was incredibly hard to keep the athletes in perfect shape all this time, to somehow motivate them.

The routine of daily and rather monotonous workouts must necessarily lead to something, to some goal.

And the goal, it turns out, has disappeared.

Therefore, at the very end of January, I even decided to bring the guys to St. Petersburg for the city championship, so that they would have the opportunity to ride at least out of the competition.

In general, the preparation was not the easiest.

- After Kaganovskaya - Angelopol won the fourth stage of the Russian Grand Prix in Moscow, you admitted that you purposefully prepared them for this.

And what did they set up the wards before the final start of the season?

- For a very serious fight.

We did not know that Liza Khudaiberdieva and Yegor Bazin would withdraw from the competition, we did not know that Elizaveta Pasechnik and Maxim Nekrasov would refuse to compete.

Of course, the absence of these two pairs completely turned the whole alignment upside down.

But it didn't change our mindset.

Consider, for Vasilisa and Valery, this was the main start of the season, so it was very important for us not only to enter the national team, but to skate well.

Try to win.

- The minimum difference in points that developed after the rhythm dance between your athletes and Elizaveta Shanaeva - Pavel Drozd, said that the judges see equal rivals in these duets, which means that the victory is absolutely real.

Did it add stress to you?

- Vice versa.

It was only easier for my guys because they were second after the rhythm dance.

Catching up is always easier.

At that moment, I didn’t even think about what the final result would be.

Of course, I wanted to win, we are working for this, to win.

At the same time, I understood, no matter how well my athletes skated, everything can turn out, both in one direction and in the other.

Moreover, at their stages of the Grand Prix, Shanaeva and Drozd scored more points than Vasilisa and Valery.

We never crossed paths during the season.

- Now there is a lot of talk about the fact that after admission to international starts, the Russian quota in all four disciplines will be minimal.

What do you think, Kaganovskaya

- Angelopol can really become the only couple that will represent the country in ice dancing?

We keep it in our heads, let's put it this way.

And let's go to it.

Vasilisa and Valery are still young, but in the situation in which we are all now, this is a very big plus.

- It seemed to me that your duet skated in St. Petersburg a little more carefully than usual.

- When you really want to complete all the elements and steps cleanly and with the highest quality, a certain internal “save” is somehow present in everyone: there is something to lose.

And at the same time, you realize what you can get.

I think a sense of caution may have arisen for this reason.

Although it is more likely that the not too familiar size of the site played a role.

We trained on standard ice for figure skaters, but we had to compete on “hockey”.

So I had to adapt quickly.

Fortunately, we did.

- At what point in the free dance did you exhale with relief?

- Oh ... Except at the very end, when Valery raised Vasilisa above him.

And then everything was raging inside me: it will lift it - it won’t lift it.

The forces were already running out.

- A few months ago you complained that Kaganovskaya and Angelopol sometimes get carried away from increased attention to them.

Is this problem still present, or is it a thing of the past?

- I'm afraid that we have not yet coped with this, we continue to fight.

We are not talking about some star disease.

But I sometimes notice that the guys seem to forget that in training you need to overcome yourself every minute.

They train well, very conscientiously.

But I want to bring them to an absolute ideal.

And I know that I can do it.

It’s just that when an athlete starts doing something really well, a certain internal aplomb appears: since everything is so cool, why do they keep making me strive for something else?

- Did you also go through this state when you were an athlete?

- There was such a thing.

Oleg Ovsyannikov and I encountered this at the Nagano Olympics, won silver medals there, became world champions in the same season, and I, as they say, internally suffered.

- What was it expressed in?

- The fact that I could object to coaching remarks, start talking about what I need and what I don’t.

I didn’t understand a simple thing: if a coach works with you, you must completely trust him.

Otherwise, the desired result simply will not be.

Of course, you need to discuss some things together, an athlete can express some of his wishes, but in fact, even in tone, it always becomes noticeable that a person begins to somewhat lose a sense of reality.

It begins to seem to him that the coach finds fault with him unnecessarily, somehow treats him differently.

It's really not that easy to explain in words.

It is rather purely intuitive sensations.

But at the same time very accurate.

  • Vasilisa Kaganovskaya and Valery Angelopol

  • RIA News

  • © Alexey Danichev

- By agreeing to the proposal of Tamara Moskvina to stage the programs of Anastasia Mishina - Alexander Gallyamov and Alexandra Boikova - Dmitry Kozlovsky, it seems to me that you have doomed yourself to an extremely difficult role.

Do you report on this?

- Certainly.

Did you hesitate when making a decision?

- No.

Firstly, it was very pleasant to receive such an offer from Tamara Nikolaevna.

This is great trust.

Secondly, I haven't had the chance to work with couples as a director very often, but it's very interesting.

Partners, as a rule, have a more pronounced difference in height than in dances, so you can come up with a lot of trick elements.

It doesn’t scare me at all that Moskvina’s couples are competitors and compete very fiercely with each other: they are completely diverse in nature, and, accordingly, the productions should be completely different from each other.

But will they start comparing anyway?

- A lot will depend on performance here.

Installing programs is only half the battle.

It is important to be able to work them out, bring them to mind.

Tamara Nikolaevna and I agreed that we should not rush, set ourselves some kind of strict time frame.

I immediately said that I would like to watch the athletes, get used to them, understand what kind of music is closer to them, what images, in what movements they are more organic, ride better, feel more comfortable.

Therefore, back in January we agreed that after the Grand Prix finals, Vasilisa, Valera and I would stay for a couple of weeks in St. Petersburg.

- What sports couples gain by working with dance specialists, I understand.

And what can dancers get when they find themselves on the same training ice with greenhouses?

- If we talk specifically about the Moskvina school, a very good team of specialists has been assembled there under the leadership of Tamara Nikolaevna.

There is a wonderful acrobat who gives athletes unique lifts.

It would be very interesting to work with him, to get some new experience.

I tend to be very critical of everything I do myself.

It happens that at night I listen to music, I try to imagine how this or that movement will look like.

This is such a creative process.


At the same time, I understand that an additional look from the side has never interfered with anyone in our sport.

- I can’t even imagine what the new free dance of Kaganovskaya - Angelopol should be like, so that it would overshadow their current production to the music of Vangelis.

Do you already have ideas?

- Not yet.

Now I am completely focused on ideas for pair skating, Vasilisa and Valery have already set a number for the tournament according to show programs, it turned out fun, dancing, youthful, I hope the audience will like it.

I am extremely glad, by the way, that my guys were given the opportunity to get closer to the company of such outstanding champions, to cook with them in the same pot.

It's a great experience and a great privilege.

- Do you remember how you felt when you first appeared on the ice next to the greats?

- After all, I came to dance early, when Maya Usova - Alexander Zhulin, Marina Klimova - Sergey Ponomarenko were skating.

I remember how I trembled as I entered the locker room.

I was afraid to draw attention to myself.

I still think that when you first get the opportunity to get in touch with the elite, there must be a certain subordination.

You must be very clearly aware that you are in a society of people from whom you can learn a lot, even just by watching them from the side.

The current generation is brought up differently.

It seems to them that all the attention that surrounds them is in the order of things, that it should be so, that the most important thing is to be in trend, and, therefore, you need to behave accordingly.

Skating on the same ice?

So all friends.

It probably takes time to understand that everything in life is completely wrong.