Teller Report

EUROPE 1 AND YOU - A third of Parisian clubs and clubs have just signed a "good conduct" charter

3/6/2023, 6:42:56 AM

Every day, Europe 1 looks at an idea or a problem in your daily life. In France, 60% of women have already been victims of attacks in a festive environment. To prevent this violence during parties, a third of Parisian nightclubs have signed a charter of "good conduct".

Alexandra Jaegy 07:34, March 06, 2023, modified at 07:35, March 06, 2023

Every day, Europe 1 looks at an idea or a problem in your daily life.

In France, 60% of women have already been victims of attacks in a festive environment.

To prevent this violence during parties, a third of Parisian nightclubs have signed a "good conduct" charter.


How to party safely?

The town hall of Paris launches a new charter to prevent violence in the places of festivity.

Clubs in the capital can be awarded a good conduct label after being trained to identify violence and collect the words of victims.

A third of the establishments have already signed this document, like the Nexus, a nightclub at the gates of Paris.

A goodwill squad

In this electro nightclub, hundreds of people dance in a good-natured atmosphere.

But the nightlife is also crossed by dramas.

Inès is a student.

She was the victim of violence in a bar.

"Two years ago, I got hit, a trauma that lasted a while. These are things I pay attention to now," she explains at the microphone of Europe 1.

In order to avoid these attacks, the Nexus has signed the charter of benevolence and reinforced its security.

"We have this benevolence brigade that runs in clubs and allows us to have eyes everywhere. We also have other processes in place, in particular a password at the bar. When we give the name of a cocktail that does not exist, the bartender knows there is a problem", details Nathan, the director of the club.

Raising awareness among men

Margaux, 24, believes that these initiatives are exemplary and reassuring.

This regular of the place still thinks that it is not enough.

"I don't think it's just security or an anti-relou brigade that should carry out this fight. We need to make people more aware of these issues," she explains.

Customers as well as club directors, all observe a lack of awareness and too much excess among some partygoers.

In France, according to the Consentis association, 60% of women have already been victims of attacks in a festive environment.