Teller Report

What is MMA?

3/3/2023, 8:11:49 AM

This Sunday in Las Vegas, the French Ciryl Gane will face the American Jon Jones to try to become world champion of the UFC, the most important federation of "Mixed Martial Arts", or MMA. It is one of the most popular sports in the world, but which remains relatively unknown, especially in France. Europe 1 explains everything about MMA.

Dimitri Vernet 08:58, March 03, 2023

This Sunday in Las Vegas, the French Ciryl Gane will face the American Jon Jones to try to become world champion of the UFC, the most important federation of "Mixed Martial Arts", or MMA.

It is one of the most popular sports in the world, but which remains relatively unknown, especially in France.

Europe 1 explains everything about MMA.

This is the event not to be missed this weekend: Sunday morning, French time, will take place one of the biggest fights in the history of French sport.

In front of 20,000 spectators in Las Vegas, Ciryl Gane will face the American Jon Jones and try to become the first tricolor world champion of the UFC, the most important federation of MMA.

It is one of the most popular sports in the world, but which remains relatively unknown to the general public in France.

Europe 1 explains what MMA is.

A sport legalized in France in 2020


Martial Arts

(MMA) is, as its name suggests, a combat sport combining many disciplines ranging from judo to Thai boxing and wrestling.

The rules are quite simple: two opponents face off in an octagon-shaped cage using kicks, punches, knees and elbows.

The duel ends with a knockout, a submission, or if the fight goes to an end, with an arbitrator's decision.

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Originally from Brazil, MMA is a fairly young sport officially created in 1993, when its first tournament, the Ultimate Fighting Championship

, says UFC,

took place .

Over time, MMA is gaining momentum and even becoming one of the most popular sports in the world.

But considered too dangerous, this discipline was banned in France until 2020, when it was legalized.

Since then, his popularity rating in France has continued to rise and could experience a new leap this weekend if Ciryl Gane wins.