Teller Report

Economist Belyaev explained the importance of Putin's proposal to index the minimum wage by 18.5%

2/21/2023, 12:02:44 PM

Candidate of Economic Sciences Mikhail Belyaev commented in an interview with RT on the proposal of Russian leader Vladimir Putin from January 1, 2024 to index the minimum wage (minimum wage) by 18.5% - up to 19,242 rubles.

“The material well-being of people is expressed and ensured by the income they receive at their main place of work.

The most effective lever to influence businessmen to raise wages is just an increase in the minimum wage.

And so the president considered it necessary to pay attention to this, ”said Belyaev.

According to him, this is one of the levers for business to increase the earnings of workers in order to increase their material well-being and incentives to work.

“In order for them to take jobs more actively.

This is one of the components for the economy to develop and move forward, ”concluded the interlocutor of RT. 

Earlier, Putin proposed from January 1, 2024 to index the minimum wage by 18.5%.

He recalled that since the beginning of 2023, the minimum wage has been indexed by 6.3%.