Teller Report

Sparks of hope from under the rubble.. Stories of earthquake survivors after more than 90 hours

2/10/2023, 9:46:09 AM

Although 4 days have passed since the violent earthquake that struck southern Turkey and northern Syria at dawn last Monday, the hope of finding survivors has not yet been lost, as many clung to life under the rubble despite the passage of more than 90 hours.

Although 4 days have passed since the violent earthquake that struck southern Turkey and northern Syria at dawn last Monday, the hope of finding survivors has not yet been lost, as many clung to life under the rubble despite having spent more than 90 hours waiting for help.

The camera lenses documented impressive stories of rescue operations described as miraculous, and the following is a presentation of the most prominent of these stories.

100 hours

TRT Haber Canlı's account on Twitter this Friday morning published a set of videos documenting the rescue operations of survivors of the devastating earthquake after 100 hours.

The channel's account said - in a tweet that I attached to a video clip - that a mother and her son were pulled out in Diyarbakir and another person in Hatay from under the rubble 100 hours after the earthquake.

Kahramanmaraş'ta 100. Saatte bir kişi daha enkazdan sağ çıkarıldı.

- TRT Haber Canlı (@trthabercanli) February 10, 2023

The channel also published two other clips of two rescue operations in Kahramanmaraş, the epicenter of the devastating earthquake (southern Turkey), and another in Diyarbakir.

Diyarbakır'da anne ile oğlu ve Hatay'da bir kişi daha enkazdan 100. Saatte çıkarıldı.

- TRT Haber Canlı (@trthabercanli) February 10, 2023

Through a live broadcast, the Turkish channel continues to monitor the latest developments in the rescue operations, which show the concerted efforts of relief workers, army personnel, and ambulance personnel to search for survivors, extract them, and then treat them.

Kahramanmaraş Merkezli ve 10 ili etkileyen depremler sonrasında ekipler enkaz altında kalanlara ulaşmak için canla başla çalışıyor.

Depremzedelere yardımlar ulaştırılıyor.

Deployment of his gelişmeler, bölgelerden can lı bağlantılarla @trthaber'de.

- TRT Haber Canlı (@trthabercanli) February 9, 2023

99 hours

The darkness of the night or the harsh weather did not prevent the rescue efforts from continuing, and the TRT Haber Mubasher account stated that two sisters were contacted in Kahramanmaraş, and one of the brothers was pulled out from under the rubble after 99 hours had passed, while efforts are still continuing to save the brother. the second.

Kahramanmaraş'ta 2 kız kardeş ile iletişim kuruldu.

Kardeşlerden biri 99. Saatte enkazdan sağ çıkarıldı.

Diğer kardeşi çıkarmak için çalışmalar sürüyor.

- TRT Haber Canlı (@trthabercanli) February 10, 2023

96 hours

In a rescue operation described as a miracle, the search teams in Kahramanmaraş managed to rescue a young man 96 hours after the earthquake.

Search efforts resulted in the rescue of Albert Sachma, 26, from under the rubble of a collapsed building in Dolkederoglu district.

The young man was handed over to the ambulance teams to be taken to the hospital for treatment.

Emergency teams also managed to rescue a baby girl with 4 members of her family from under the rubble of a collapsed building in Antakya, Hatay state (southern Turkey), 96 hours after the earthquake disaster.

Toddler, her family pulled alive from debris 96 hours after quakes in Turkey

Sela Elbarazi, her mother, father, brother and uncle were saved in Hatay's Antakya district

— ANADOLU AGENCY (@anadoluagency) February 10, 2023

more than 90 hours

Although many hours have passed since the two earthquakes that struck southern Turkey, rescue operations continue for those trapped under the rubble of destroyed homes.

And Anadolu Agency published - through its Twitter account - a clip documenting the rescue of a 4-year-old girl who spent 4 days under the rubble.

(VIDEO) 4-year-old girl rescued from rubble 4 days after earthquakes in Türkiye's southern Hatay province

— ANADOLU AGENCY (@anadoluagency) February 10, 2023

It also published a clip documenting the rescue of Khadija Ozglabi (65 years) and her daughter Mehriban Sultan (33 years) from under the rubble in the state of Kahramanmaraş, 92 hours after the earthquake.

Mother and daughter rescued from the rubble after 92 hours during search and rescue operations in southern Kahramanmaras province

— ANADOLU AGENCY (@anadoluagency) February 10, 2023

In a touching story, rescue teams managed to pull out a 10-day-old baby girl from under the rubble in the city of Hatay, and she was alive with her mother as well.

And the Anadolu Agency account, in its English version, published a picture of the girl surrounded by the ambulance team.

Rescue teams still find survivors days after deadly earthquakes in Turkiye

10-day-old infant was found alive in the southern city of Hatay after 90 hours

— ANADOLU AGENCY (@anadoluagency) February 9, 2023

According to the Turkish Disaster Management Authority, 17,134 bodies have been recovered from under the rubble so far, while 3,162 bodies have been officially counted in Syria, bringing the death toll to 20,296.