Teller Report

“North Korea holds military parade” South Korea Union News

2/8/2023, 2:51:16 PM

[NHK] South Korean media reported that North Korea held a military parade in the center of Pyongyang, the capital, on the night of the 8th. In North Korea, the 8th marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the military.

South Korean media reported that North Korea held a military parade in the center of the capital Pyongyang on the night of the 8th.

In North Korea, the 8th marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the military, and it is possible that new weapons have been unveiled at the large-scale military parade since April last year.

According to a South Korean news agency, Yonhap News, citing South Korean military authorities, after a ceremony was held at around 8:30 pm on the 8th at Kim Il Sung Square in the center of Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, A military parade was held.

It is not known whether General Secretary Kim Jong-un attended, but there is a view that more than 20,000 people were mobilized, the largest number ever, and there is a possibility that new weapons have been unveiled. .

In North Korea, there was a growing view that the 8th was the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army, and that a large-scale military parade would be held for the first time since April last year.

In the third year of the "National Defense Five-Year Plan", General Secretary Kim advocated a policy of mass-producing tactical nuclear weapons and rapidly increasing the number of nuclear warheads along with the development of new ICBMs = intercontinental ballistic missiles. I'm here.

In addition, at the expanded meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Korean Workers' Party held on the 6th, it was decided to constantly strengthen military training and make war preparations more stringent.

North Korea announced on the 9th that it will hold a military parade through state media, and is expected to show off its attitude of further accelerating its nuclear and missile development.

*Kim Il-sung (Kim Il-sung), Kim Jong-un (Kim Jong-un)