Teller Report

Guangxi resumes outbound tourism, Thailand's first group departs

2/7/2023, 2:08:29 AM

(Chen Qiuxia) At about 19:30 on February 6, Beibu Gulf Airlines flight GX8907 took off from Guangxi Nanning Wuxu International Airport (hereinafter referred to as Nanning Airport) smoothly, carrying a group of passengers including the first group of Guangxi resumed outbound tourism in Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand.

  China News Agency, Nanning, February 6th (Chen Qiuxia) At about 19:30 on February 6th, Beibu Gulf Airlines flight GX8907 took off from Guangxi Nanning Wuxu International Airport (hereinafter referred to as Nanning Airport) smoothly, carrying passengers including Guangxi resumed outbound travel to Thailand A group of passengers including the starting group went to Bangkok, Thailand.

  Starting from February 6, China piloted the resumption of national travel agencies and online travel companies to operate outbound group tours and "air ticket + hotel" business for Chinese citizens to 20 countries.

  On the same day, Beibu Gulf Airlines’ Nanning-Bangkok international passenger flight resumed, the flight number is GX8907/8, and the flight plan is to perform a round-trip every Monday.

The resumption of the route will continue to improve the accessibility between Guangxi and the capital of Thailand, and build a convenient air channel for passengers.

  Nanning is the capital city closest to ASEAN in China.

At present, Nanning Airport has resumed the opening of international passenger routes to Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila and other cities in five ASEAN countries, with a planned weekly flight volume of 13 flights.

  Yang Rong, a passenger from Hengyang, Hunan, told the reporter that it takes about two and a half hours to fly from Nanning to Bangkok. The flight time is shorter than Changsha to Bangkok, and the ticket price is also cheaper.

When she heard the news of the resumption of the outbound travel business, she soon signed up for the first flight from Nanning to Bangkok.

"Thailand's fruits, beautiful scenery and Buddhist culture are very attractive to me. Taking advantage of the cold weather, go to Thailand to feel the 'enthusiasm'."

  Peng Xin is the leader of the starting team.

He said that he was very excited and excited to bring a group to Thailand again after three years, and he also looked forward to the "improvement" of Thailand's tourist attractions, hotels, tourist facilities and services.

  Niu Lin, president of Beibu Gulf Airlines, said that Beibu Gulf Airlines will expand the international route between Nanning and Bangkok in March this year, and will resume the route between Nanning and Singapore in the near future.

In order to meet the travel needs of more passengers, Beibu Gulf Airlines also provides a minimum price of only 100 yuan for transit and intermodal transportation on domestic routes in China. Passengers can transit from 23 cities including Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an and Jinan to and from Bangkok, Thailand via Nanning.

  The Consul General of the Thai Consulate General in Nanning, Pingama Tavithayanon, attended the departure ceremony of the first Guangxi delegation on the same day.

She said that in 2023, the National Tourism Administration of Thailand will launch a new theme of "Thailand Tourism Year 2023: A Magical New Chapter" to the world, focusing on developing new tourist source areas and welcoming tourists.
