Teller Report

Internal criticism of the election of Muharrem Demirok as the new leader of the Center Party

2/2/2023, 7:15:39 PM

Critical voices from within the Center Party have been raised regarding the election of the new party leader Muharrem Demirok. Not only about his dual citizenship and the fact that he has previously been convicted of assault - but also because the candidate process was not open enough. - I unfortunately have to say that Muharrem Demirok is not my candidate for party leader, said Lars Bäckström from the Center Party in Västerbotten in front of his colleagues at the party meeting earlier today.

On Thursday, Muharrem Demirok was elected as the new party leader for the Center Party.

Both before today's extraordinary party meeting, and during it, some party colleagues took the opportunity to air their dissatisfaction with the election of the new center leader.

Part of the criticism is that the candidate process went too quickly and that more time should have been taken to present a candidate.

- We were promised an open process where the selection committee would listen to everyone.

And there were probably more than us in Västerbotten who were a little surprised that Helena Lindahl did not come up with a proposal, said Lars Bäckström from the Center Party in Västerbotten, who believes that Demirok is a relatively unknown person to many in the party.

Another critic was Bo Hagström, chairman of the Center Party Gullspång, who believes that it is a mistake to choose a "big city leader".

Hear his criticism in the clip above - as well as Center women's Emma Blomdahl Wahlberg who defends the choice of Demirok.