Teller Report

"My house is in shambles": the surprising revelations of Marie Kondo, the priestess of storage

1/31/2023, 5:56:39 PM

Marie Kondo, the Japanese tidying priestess, no longer believes in her own principles. Having become the mother of a third child, the young woman explains that she now finds her happiness by arranging "moments of joy" rather than folding clothes...

Solène Delinger 6:45 p.m., January 31, 2023

Marie Kondo, the Japanese tidying priestess, no longer believes in her own principles.

Having become the mother of a third child, the young woman explains that she now finds her happiness by arranging “moments of joy” rather than by folding clothes…

She made us tidy up our closets, roll up our underpants and our panties, fold our socks... We even said goodbye to all our superfluous objects, those which, according to her, prevented us from accessing happiness.

And yet, after praising us for storage and minimalism, Marie Kondo is backtracking...

"The way I spend my time is the right one for me"

In a video press conference relayed by the 

Washington Post, 

the priestess of storage admits to having cracked and not living in a very nice, clean and tidy apartment.

"My house is in shambles, but the way I spend my time is the right one for me at this time, at this stage of my life", confides Marie Kondo, who had invented the "KonMari" to learn to tidy up.

Even she doesn't apply it anymore.

The arrival of a third child in his life would have upset all his principles. 

Marie Kondo has "given up" storage

"Until now, I was a tidying professional, and I did my best to always keep my house tidy. I kind of gave up on that, in a good way for me. Now I realize that what is important for me is to enjoy spending time with my children at home", explains Marie Kondo. 

In her new book, entitled 

Marie Kondo's Kurashi at Home: How to Organize Your Space and Achieve Your Ideal Life

, the young mother advocates a new approach centered on the development of "moments of joy".

She advises her readers to engage in activities that bring them joy (and that doesn't include tidying up and cleaning!).