Teller Report

Find the access point of intangible cultural heritage elements and find a way out for national culture

1/28/2023, 9:31:43 PM

read tips   In Yunnan, a group of intangible cultural heritage inheritors have passed on the national "intangible cultural heritage" through innovation, and realized the in-depth integration of intangible cultural heritage and modern life in the links of "food, housing, transportation, tourism, shopping, and entertainment", and also led the local Residents are getting richer.   During the Spri

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  In Yunnan, a group of intangible cultural heritage inheritors have passed on the national "intangible cultural heritage" through innovation, and realized the in-depth integration of intangible cultural heritage and modern life in the links of "food, housing, transportation, tourism, shopping, and entertainment", and also led the local Residents are getting richer.

  During the Spring Festival this year, many tourists chose to come to the beautiful Luhu Lake in Lijiang to visit the Mosuo people and Mosuo culture who have lived here for generations.

  The Mosuo people still retain the social customs of the matrilineal clan.

Like the famous "walking marriage" custom, Mosuo handloom is an original ecological cultural style that has survived to this day.

Local girls learn hemp weaving, spinning, twisting wool, embroidering blankets, and weaving belts from an early age. These are the skills that Mosuo women must master.

  Working during the day and spinning at night, life goes on, but there is no improvement in life.

"This kind of life is not good, we have to find a way out." More than 20 years ago, Mosuo woman Aqiduzhima was unwilling to let her dreams be wiped out in the repeated work, and she had the idea of ​​expanding traditional hand-woven textile technology.

Today, as an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, she leads the women in the village to find a way to get rich by hand weaving.

  In Yunnan, one after another "Aqi Duzhima" is active. They inherit the national "intangible cultural heritage" through innovation, and realize the integration of intangible cultural heritage and modern life in the links of "food, housing, transportation, tourism, shopping, and entertainment". Deep integration.

  Live a good life by hand

  "In the Spring Festival of 2001, a guest from Japan was full of praise for these ethnic handicrafts after seeing our textiles. According to his introduction, the Fukuoka City Museum in Japan specially sent people to the village and bought two sets Mosuo costumes are displayed in the museum.” Ahqi Duzhima said that this chance gave her the determination to take traditional Mosuo handmade textiles out to see the world. Female compatriots can rely on textiles to live an ideal life."

  Ram, a 25-year-old single family member in the village, went out to work in 2004. At that time, his monthly income was only five or six hundred yuan.

She said that since she followed Aqima to do hand spinning, her monthly income can reach more than 1,000 yuan, which not only increases the family income, but also takes care of the family, so that she no longer has to leave her hometown. Stability and continuity.” Apart from making money, Ah Qi Duzhima has deeper thoughts.

  In the first few years, for the Mosuo people in Yongning and women of other ethnic groups, hand-weaving was only a survival skill for women to solve the problem of food and clothing.

But this change is obvious, because of these handicrafts, there are also college students in the village.

Some families have to take care of elderly and sick relatives, but also rely on this irregular meager income.

It’s just that compared with machines, this survival skill seems to have insufficient advantages, especially in the impetuous tourist consumption market. Not many people are willing to stop and learn about Mosuo handwork and pay more for it.

  Their anxiety is not without reason.

Previously, in the ancient city of Lijiang, machine-made scarves were only sold at 20 to 40 yuan per piece, while handmade scarves were sold at 60 yuan per piece, which resulted in a large number of handmade scarves being unsalable.

  Find your way in national culture

  In order to deal with this crisis and find a new way out, Aqi Duzhima and his son Aqinimacier put a lot of thought into it.

  As one of the few college students in the village, Aqini Mazier returned to the village after graduation to collect and sort out the manual production process of Mosuo people's intangible cultural heritage.

He wants to use his own efforts to leave a traceable historical mark on the traditional craftsmanship of the Mosuo people.

  After 8 years of hard work, the Lugu Lake Mosuo Culture Research Association where Aqini Mazier is currently working has helped the Mosuo people build a Mosuo handicraft exhibition room.

In terms of fighting against machine copying, he found 12 Mosuo patterns with the help of the Mosuo Culture Research Association.

These 12 patterns have been registered for copyright as the standard patterns of the new generation of Mosuo hand-woven fabrics, and have obtained various legal and cultural birth certificates.

And more importantly, these twelve patterns related to the traditional life of the Mosuo people can only be woven by hand, and cannot be woven by machines.

  "Nowadays, when I look back at my own value, I find that the reason why I suffer is that I have completely neglected that Mosuo handicrafts should not only condense the sweat of Mosuo women, but also have cultural added value." He said.

  Ah Qi Duzhima said that she used to only know "culture" as "reading and writing" (Chinese characters), and now discovering the handicraft skills of the Mosuo people is also "culture".

Obviously, Aqi Duzhima is now committed to the cause of traditional handicrafts, benefiting from the change in the concept of "culture" and the establishment of confidence.

  Find the access point of intangible cultural heritage elements

  The temperature-soaked tie-dyeing of the Bai people, the ingenious black silver and copper, the hand-made ancient papermaking technique of the Dai people, the famous Heqing silverware, and Yi embroidery clothing.

Yunnan is a treasury of ethnic arts. Handicrafts such as embroidery, silver ornaments, and spotted copper all condense the aesthetic concepts and thoughts and emotions of traditional craftsmen.

  In recent years, all parts of Yunnan Province have successfully "embedded" intangible cultural heritage elements into modern life through innovative and beneficial attempts to inherit the national "intangible cultural heritage". The deep integration of intangible cultural heritage and tourism.

Through the reasonable use of folk literature, traditional music, traditional dance, traditional art, traditional skills, folk customs and other projects, promote the integration of intangible cultural heritage into the construction of new tourism products and new formats such as Mid-level Hotels, and realize the link between intangible cultural heritage and tourism elements "living"; Intangible cultural heritage representative projects of traditional arts and crafts strengthen the research and development of cultural and creative products, comprehensively promote the transition of characteristic cultural products represented by "gold, wood, earth, stone, and cloth" to new tourism commodities, and realize the "purchasing" of national handicrafts and tourism elements. Links make the intangible cultural heritage "live" and promote the integrated development of culture and tourism.

  Baoshan Tengchong Gaoligong Cultural and Creative Industrial Park invites handmade intangible cultural heritage masters to settle in. The intangible cultural heritage, mainly shadow puppets, clay pottery, rattan weaving, paper umbrellas, papermaking, cloth shoes, and Achang brocade, has "zero-distance contact" with tourists. The "intangible cultural heritage +" living inheritance development model integrates intangible cultural heritage and its derivatives with modern life and the market, and is committed to integrating intangible cultural heritage into modern life, becoming "poems and distant places at the doorstep" of citizens and tourists.

  Shuncheng Shicui Market in Kunming is hidden in the urban business district. The Yunnan gift-themed area on the market includes intangible cultural heritage products such as Huaning pottery, bamboo and rattan weaving, and tie-dyeing; Kunming's landmark buildings such as Daguanlou, as well as Yunnan specialties such as steam pot chicken and fried milk fans are integrated into creative products, allowing consumers to take away time and fragments about Yunnan and Kunming.

  "To make ethnic cultural handicrafts bloom charmingly in modern life, it is necessary to find the connection point with the needs of contemporary people." The relevant person in charge of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center of Yunnan Province said that with the rise of tourism, the number of tourists in cities and towns has increased. Unique tourist souvenirs are constantly being developed, expanding the market for traditional handicrafts.

The prosperity of arts and crafts has also led to the development of other industries, such as some real estate, logistics, food, tourism and other industries have joined the industry of arts and crafts, which has greatly stimulated the development of traditional national handicrafts.