Teller Report

Dubai Chamber of Commerce launches 4 new business groups

1/23/2023, 10:13:31 PM

The Dubai Chamber of Commerce, one of the three chambers operating under the umbrella of Dubai Chambers, announced yesterday the launch of four new business groups, including the agricultural industries work group, the furniture and home furnishings work group, the flowers and roses dealers work group, in addition to the tire dealers work group.

Dubai Chamber of Commerce launches 4 new business groups

The Dubai Chamber of Commerce, one of the three chambers operating under the umbrella of Dubai Chambers, announced yesterday the launch of four new business groups, including the agricultural industries work group, the furniture and home furnishings work group, the flowers and roses dealers work group, in addition to the tire dealers work group.

The new business groups are added to the list of economic sectors and activities that the Dubai Chamber of Commerce focuses on developing and enhancing its contribution to the emirate's economic growth, within the framework of the Chamber's plan to raise the number of economic sectors and activities represented by business groups to 100 sectors and economic activities by March 2023.

The Director General of Dubai Chambers, Mohammed Ali Rashid Lootah, said that the economic diversification in Dubai is a competitive advantage added to the many competitive advantages that Dubai enjoys, pointing out that the launch of new business groups will support economic diversification, consolidate the growth process, and unify the voice of companies operating in this field. Economic sectors and activities to ensure their good representation and their ability to bring about change in Dubai's growth process.

In a statement, Lootah referred to the important role played by business groups and the private sector in promoting partnership between the public and private sectors, considering that this partnership is the pillar of development and development in the business environment.

He emphasized the role played by the chamber in strengthening the foundations of this partnership, and developing the role of the private sector in drawing up policies and legislation supporting the business community.

The new business groups work to unify the voices of their members to discuss challenges, opportunities and growth prospects, and come up with innovative solutions to enhance the performance and competitiveness of the economic sectors and activities they represent.

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