Teller Report

Focus on Davos: The world economy is full of clouds, and the world looks forward to China's growth

1/18/2023, 9:31:16 AM

The high-profile World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 is currently being held in the Swiss town of Davos. Coleman, Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, said that he actively supports China's adjustment of epidemic prevention and control measures. In the medium and long term, this will ensure a more efficient and stable operation of the global supply chain., January 18th (Zhongxin Finance Gong Hongyu) The high-profile World Economic Forum 2023 Annual Meeting is currently being held in the Swiss town of Davos.

  With the theme of "Strengthening Cooperation in a Divided World", this year's "Returning to Offline" forum confronts multiple crises in the world, including geopolitics, energy, climate change, and food security.

At a time when the global economic outlook is uncertain, China, the world's second largest economy, has attracted much attention at the forum.

  Against the background of the adjustment of China's epidemic prevention measures, many parties are positively optimistic about China's future growth prospects, and believe that China's development will bring vitality to the world economy.

Data map: The small town of Davos, Switzerland.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Peng Dawei

Win-win cooperation, the world listens to China's proposition

  At the beginning of 2023, the "Global Economic Prospects" report released by the World Bank lowered the global economic growth forecast in 2023 to 1.7%, saying that the global economy is "dangerously close to the point of recession."

  World Economic Forum President Bolger Brende pointed out that this year faces the risk of a global recession, and the risks come from war, trade protectionism, climate change, etc. This annual meeting is against the background of the most complicated geopolitical and economic conflicts in decades held next.

  In the context of the cloudy world economic outlook, the importance of international cooperation has become increasingly evident.

Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, pointed out that in order to fundamentally solve the problem of fading mutual trust, it is necessary to strengthen the cooperation between the government and enterprises, and to realize that "no one should be left behind".

  In his speech at the 2023 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, Vice Premier Liu He said, "China's basic national conditions determine that it must open up to the outside world and continuously improve the quality and level of opening up. We oppose unilateralism and protectionism and promote comprehensive strengthening of the global cooperation."

  Regarding China's proposition, Bolger Brende deeply agrees with it.

He pointed out that the way out to deal with global problems is global solutions.

"China firmly promotes free trade and has played an important role in uniting all parties."

  Yu Hong, a senior researcher at the East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, also said: "The world is facing multiple crises, and people look forward to this year's forum annual meeting to provide suggestions to prevent the world from falling into division. Davos, as always, looks forward to China's voice and China's contribution to building a more sustainable world. , a more inclusive and resilient world contribution.”

Data map: Glimpse of Shanghai, China.

Photo by Fan Yubin

Sustained recovery, China's economic growth injects impetus into the world

  According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the Chinese economy will withstand the pressure and record a growth of 3.0% in 2022.

  Entering 2023, facing the haze of the global economic recession, more expectations are placed on China's economic recovery.

  Coleman, Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, said that he actively supports China's adjustment of epidemic prevention and control measures. In the medium and long term, this will ensure a more efficient and stable operation of the global supply chain.

  "China's optimization and adjustment of epidemic prevention and control measures will greatly promote global economic growth and boost global confidence in medium and long-term development." Sadia Zahidi, executive director of the World Economic Forum, believes that China's measures to address climate change and protect the environment Measures, as well as China's technology and innovation will have a global impact, and China's role in promoting global cooperation is crucial.

  Lisa Donahue, partner of the Americas and Asia affairs of the international consulting firm Arrow Platinum, pointed out that China's policy measures of insisting on opening up to the outside world and actively participating in international trade are encouraging.

It is believed that the Chinese economy will continue to be an important engine for global economic recovery.

  In his speech, Liu He mentioned that the Central Economic Work Conference held not long ago made arrangements for economic work in 2023, emphasizing that development must be the top priority, adhere to the direction of socialist market economic reform, adhere to all-round expansion of opening up to the outside world, and adhere to the law-based Govern the country and insist on innovation-driven development.

After hard work, China's economy will achieve an overall improvement this year, and it is a high probability event that the growth rate will reach a normal level.

  Recently, Luo Siyi, a British economist and former director of the London Economic and Business Policy Agency, an expert on China issues, said in an interview with China News Agency that when most international analysis agencies talk about the European and American economies in 2023, they are mostly concerned about The degree of economic slowdown and the risk of recession, "Forecasts on China's economy focus on its growth rate. Some Western institutions predict China's economic growth rate in 2023 at around 5%, 5.5% or 6.2%."

  Luo Siyi said that in the past three years, whether it is epidemic prevention and control or economic development, compared with Europe and the United States, China has performed extremely well.

The Chinese economy will clearly accelerate in 2023.


