Teller Report

Died in the accident - lost her husband the same way 16 years ago

1/17/2023, 10:25:15 AM

Anju Khatiwada, co-pilot of the plane that crashed in Nepal on Sunday, herself lost her husband in a similar accident 16 years ago. The BBC reports. - She was a perfect pilot, says colleague Sudarshan Bartaula.

Last Sunday, the deadliest plane crash occurred in Nepal in 30 years.

Just before landing, the aircraft began to rotate, and seconds later it crashed into a ravine.

70 of the 72 people on board the plane that crashed in Nepal on Sunday have died, and authorities do not expect the two missing to have survived the accident.

Behind the controls on Yeti Airlines flight 691 sat, among other things, co-pilot Anju Khatiwada, whose husband - also a co-pilot - died in a flight for the same airline 16 years ago.

The flight was carrying rice and other foodstuffs when it caught fire.

All nine on board perished.

The death of her husband was what once made Anju Khatiwada pursue a career in the aviation industry.

The sadness became the motivation.

"Dreams fulfilled"

Four years after her husband's passing and many hurdles later, Anju Khatiwada began her pilot studies in the US, after which she started working for Yeti Airlines.

- She was a determined woman who fulfilled both her and her husband's dreams, says family member Santosh Sharma to the BBC.

Anju Khatiwada was one of the very few women working as a pilot for Yeti Airlines, and according to loved ones, she loved to fly.

During her career, she has sat at the controls for close to 6,400 hours.

- She was a perfect pilot, says colleague Sudarshan Bartaula.

Sunday's plane crash has rekindled the issue of aviation safety in Nepal, which has had 42 plane crashes with hundreds of deaths since 1946.

It is not yet clear what caused the accident.