Teller Report

[Breaking News] Lee Jae-myung proposes a meeting with President Yoon... "Talking only in words, double play"

1/12/2023, 1:52:41 AM

In addition, Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong proposed a meeting with President Yoon Seok-yeol. At a New Year's press conference held at Sarangjae of the National Assembly this morning, CEO Lee said, "The government has deceived the people with a 'double play' in which it advocates governance and mobilizes power institutions to destroy the opposition party." Unless this is done, political chaos and crises will inevitably repeat."

In addition, Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong proposed a meeting with President Yoon Seok-yeol.

Representative Lee said at a New Year's press conference held at Sarangjae of the National Assembly on the morning of the 12th, "The government has deceived the people with a 'double play' that is preoccupied with destroying the opposition party by mobilizing power institutions while advocating governance in words." "Unless we acknowledge it as a dialogue partner, chaos in state affairs and crises will inevitably repeat itself," he said.

"I have already proposed several meetings with the president, and the offer is still valid," he said.

Representative Lee said, "As the security situation is added to the difficult economic situation, the 'Korea risk' is becoming full-scale."

He then urged, "For this, normalize unilateral and violent state affairs and stop the plot to obliterate the opposition."

Representative Lee said, "The economic crisis leaves deeper scars in the lower places, but the government's countermeasures are going backwards."

At the same time, he made a 30-trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion emergency public livelihood plan, such as deposit interest and support for rent and monthly rent, drastic reform of the cabinet including economic lines, and the formation of a pan-national emergency economic meeting involving the National Assembly, the government, businesses, and labor circles, to break through the public livelihood economic crisis. presented as a solution.

He also suggested preparing a basic society in which the state would be responsible for the basic lives of its members.

Representative Lee said, “We are pushing for a plan to abolish the reduction of the basic pension for married couples and expand the current 70% of the payment to all seniors, while homeless people can realize their dream of owning their own home and single-homeowners can move without much burden. We will also establish a housing policy that will help.”

He said he would also promote 'guaranteeing basic financial rights for all citizens' to alleviate financial polarization.

He also said that he would set up a basic society committee within the Democratic Party and prepare a basic society 2050 vision for this purpose.

He also called for a constitutional amendment to replace the current five-year single term system with a four-year term system and introduce a presidential run-off system.

Representative Lee said, "As there is no election this year, it is a good time to discuss constitutional amendment."

He also announced that he would submit the Democratic Party's own constitutional amendment targeting this coming March.