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The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Science and Culture Communication Forum focuses on the development of science popularization in the Greater Bay Area

1/6/2023, 10:21:01 AM

(Reporter Wang Jian) ​​The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Science and Culture Communication Forum was held in Guangzhou on the 6th. The forum focused on the development of popular science in the Greater Bay Area, and invited experts and scholars to discuss the development trend of science communication and popular science education under the background of integration of new technologies and new media and cross-border.

  China News Agency, Guangzhou, January 6 (Reporter Wang Jian) ​​The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Science and Culture Communication Forum was held in Guangzhou on the 6th.

The forum focused on the development of popular science in the Greater Bay Area, and invited experts and scholars to discuss the development trend of science communication and popular science education under the background of integration of new technologies and new media and cross-border.

  According to reports, the forum was guided by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, hosted by the Guangdong Science Center and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Science and Technology Museum Alliance. Keynote speeches by writer Yan Ying (Santie Ji) and other experts and scholars in the science communication industry aimed to strengthen the construction of science popularization in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, promote the co-construction and sharing of regional science popularization resources, cultivate a culture of scientific and technological innovation, improve the scientific literacy of the public, and help international science and technology Innovation center construction.

  Wang Dapeng said that under the background of the new era, the concepts, methods, and methods of science popularization have also undergone tremendous changes. Science popularization must face real problems, adopt innovative methods and methods, and promote the general improvement of citizens' scientific literacy.

  Deng Lifeng believes that deep mediaization brings new challenges to science popularization, and the value of science popularization and science communication is to promote rationality.

He put forward two technical routes of knowledge popularization and relationship cultivation, and believed that by cultivating the trust relationship between transmission and reception, balancing technological rationality, social rationality and value rationality, and innovating the organization and process of public communication, the effectiveness of knowledge popularization can be improved.

  Yan Ying shared her experience in biodiversity records and natural science popularization in Shenzhen for more than ten years, and believed that making good use of new media can make science popularization more extensive and more dynamic.

  Du Chunlei, director of Guangzhou Zhengjia Natural Science Museum, believes that activating social forces to participate in science popularization and cultivating high-value enterprises to create a sustainable science popularization industry can effectively promote the co-construction and sharing of regional science popularization resources, accelerate the deep integration of science and culture and the innovation, transformation and upgrading of science popularization.

  At the forum site, Guangdong Science Center also announced the construction plan of Science Popular Media Studio.

Lu Jingui, director of the Guangdong Science Center, said that in the future, the Science Popularization Financial Media Studio will rely on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Science and Technology Museum Alliance, the Guangzhou Science Popularization Alliance and the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Museum Research Association to further strengthen the team of science communication experts and actively create high-quality content for the public. Provide more popular science works and digital services that can not only meet the needs of knowledge, but also enhance spiritual strength.

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