Teller Report

Itaewon special committee, first hearing... Police Commissioner Yoon Hee-geun attended

1/4/2023, 12:13:09 AM

The 'Special Committee for State Affairs Investigation into the Itaewon Disaster' will hold its first hearing today. Those present at the hearing include National Police Agency Commissioner Yoon Hee-geun, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Commissioner Kim Gwang-ho, former Yongsan Police Station Chief Lee Im-jae, Superintendent Ryu Mi-jin, Acting Fire Chief Nam Hwa-yeong, and Yongsan Fire Station Chief Choi Seong-beom.

The 'Special Committee for State Affairs Investigation into the Itaewon Disaster' will hold its first hearing today (4th).

Those present at the hearing include National Police Agency Commissioner Yoon Hee-geun, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Commissioner Kim Gwang-ho, former Yongsan Police Station Chief Lee Im-jae, Superintendent Ryu Mi-jin, Acting Fire Chief Nam Hwa-yeong, and Yongsan Fire Station Chief Choi Seong-beom.

At the second hearing, which will be held on the 6th, Minister of Public Administration and Security Lee Sang-min, Health and Welfare Minister Cho Kyu-hong, Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, and Yongsan-gu Mayor Park Hee-young were listed as witnesses.

It is said that former Chief Lee and District Chief Park, who are currently in custody, did not submit reasons for non-attendance at the hearing.

Meanwhile, the ruling and opposition parties are discussing the extension of the deadline for the activities of the special committee on the government investigation, which is until the 7th, but they are unable to narrow their differences.

While the Democratic Party insists on an extension of 'at least ten days' and insists that a third hearing is also necessary, the power of the people acknowledges the need to extend the state affairs investigation in principle, but differs from the Democratic Party in specific arguments such as the third hearing.

(Photo = Yonhap News)