Teller Report

Resist poisons and avoid traps.. "super" mice invade the British Parliament

1/1/2023, 3:00:18 PM

Official reports revealed that "super" rats fill the British Parliament building, "Westminster Palace", despite the spending of tens of thousands of pounds sterling annually to eliminate them and the rodents spread throughout the headquarters.

Official reports revealed that "super" rats fill the British Parliament building, "Westminster Palace", despite the spending of tens of thousands of pounds sterling annually to eliminate them and the rodents spread throughout the headquarters.

Parliamentary authorities requested an internal review of the problem, which revealed that it was much more difficult to kill wandering rats in the House of Commons and Lords than ordinary rodents.

Reports revealed that there were about 600 "bait box" traps in the kitchens and service areas of the Palace of Westminster, while the authorities asked the University of Reading to carry out DNA profiling on the rats' tails, after confirmation from the control company that the rats were resistant to several toxins.

Health inspection report

And last November, the House of Commons was given a low cleanliness rating by Westminster City Council, after rat droppings were found in 19 different places.

Parliament's food hygiene rating fell from 5 to just 2, the city council's health inspection report confirmed.

The Westminster Report noted that there was a lack of oversight, emphasizing that thorough daily cleaning was not done regularly, and urging staff not to store food in their offices.

The report acknowledged that moths, mice, rats, flies, feral pigeons and herrings were all known to cause problems in Westminster.

Parliamentary staff live in a state of anxiety due to rats that chew electrical wires and spread disease, as well as birds that cause damage to the building.

According to the report, birds of prey were used to scare other birds from nesting or inside the parliament building.

In 2014, a report revealed past problems with pests such as moths and flies around the headquarters, to the point that the current Speaker of the House of Commons, Penny Mordaunt, brought her cat to Parliament to address the problem.

Official authorities deny

On the other hand, the authorities deny the matter and say that Parliament is a safe place to work and eat, and insist that it is committed to a humane and ethical program to control rodents.

"Parliament is a safe place to work and eat, with strict food safety and hygiene controls in place," a spokesman for the British Parliament said, according to the source.

"We are committed to maintaining a humane and ethical pest control programme, with an emphasis on preventive measures and, when necessary, the use of various control methods," he added.

Westminster Palace

The British Parliament was established between the 8th and 11th centuries AD, and the word parliament was used in England for the first time in 1236 to describe the king's consultative meeting.

Parliament - the supreme legislative institution in Britain - is also known as the "Palace of Westminster", and is located in central London, meters away from the prime minister's office.

Once a royal palace, Parliament House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.

The green building contains the Chamber of the House of Commons, while the House of Lords occupies the red chamber.