Teller Report

"Girl with character": 105 years since the birth of actress Valentina Serova

12/23/2022, 6:45:33 AM

Soviet actress Valentina Serova was born in February 1919. She first appeared on the stage of the Maly Theater studio at the age of ten, playing the role of the son of the main character. In order to enter the Central College of Theater Arts, which was taken only from the age of 16, she had to correct the data on her birth certificate. And so the date appeared, which later became the official birthday of the actress - December 23, 1917. In the 1940s, Serova was one of the most popular actresses in the USSR. She played the main roles in the films "Girl with Character", "Hearts of Four" and in the film adaptation of the play "Wait for me" by her second husband Konstantin Simonov.