Teller Report

Trieste, anti-Semitic writing at the Synagogue

11/10/2022, 1:49:25 PM

"The Jews are the new racists and fascists," the words sprayed on the wall of the Jewish temple. Investigate the Police: from the surveillance cameras, the images of a suspicious person

"The Jews are the new racists and fascists".

This is the text that appeared on the night between Wednesday and Thursday on the perimeter wall of the synagogue of Trieste, on the side of Via Donizetti.

It was drawn with a black spray, at eye level, on a side facade of the Jewish temple.

Notable details are the characters used, halfway between italics and lowercase letters, and the ungramming of the word "novi" instead of "new".

All details are being examined by the police, already working to identify those responsible.

The Digos is investigating: the area is under video surveillance and images useful for the investigation have already been identified.

You see a suspicious person.

It is not excluded that it may be a deranged person or belonging to extremist political movements.

To increase the gravity of the gesture, also the date on which it took place: between 9 and 10 November 1938, a wave of anti-Semitic


, which went down in history as


, the night of crystals, shocked Germany, and marked a turning point in the anti-Jewish persecutions by the Hitler regime.

Outrage for the episode and solidarity with the Jewish community were expressed across the board by various political forces.

There is a problem of ignorance and an economic one.

The difficult moment for Italy brings back the misconception that if all the different communities are thrown out, the situation can improve.

This writing is to be taken seriously, but it is not necessary to make a forest of it now: it is a tree.

Alexander Meloni, rabbi of Trieste

Even the rabbi of Trieste, Alexander Meloni, underlines the concomitance with the anniversary of the


on the occasion, "to commemorate the failure of Nazism, the synagogues are all illuminated.".

"I am convinced - adds Meloni - that the police will be able to identify the author quickly". 

There is "a problem of ignorance and an economic one. The difficult moment for Italy brings back the misconception that if all the different communities are thrown out, the situation can improve.

This writing is to be taken seriously, but it must not be done now .

a forest: it is a tree ". 

"Anti-Semitism - concluded Meloni - will never die, but the community of Trieste and the Jews of Trieste will not leave the city for this message".