Teller Report

Putin brings the Doomsday Clock to the stroke of midnight: "It is worse than the Cuban missile crisis"

11/10/2022, 2:43:19 PM

More than eight months after the invasion of Ukraine, the nuclear threat has escaped from military and academic offices to become, like the weather or football,...


Putin brings the Doomsday Clock to the stroke of midnight: "It is worse than the Cuban missile crisis"

Einstein's watch symbolizes the proximity of humanity to a possible catastrophe.

Now we are only 100 seconds from the apocalypse, but scientists have not updated it for two years despite the fact that the war has increased the risk.

Experts debate what to do: "We don't want people to panic, but to think of practical ways to reduce risk"

Leonard Rieser moves the hands of the Clock in 1991Carl WagnerChicago Tribune