Teller Report

No increase in TER Hauts-de-France fares in January, but after…

11/4/2022, 4:11:06 PM

Unlike many other French regions, Hauts-de-France has obtained a freeze on TER rates at least for the month of January 2023. However, there is no guarantee that prices will not jump during the year.

  • In most French regions, TER ticket prices will increase in January 2023.

  • A decided increase to cope with soaring energy prices.

  • In Hauts-de-France, users should not see prices change at the start of the year.

O price suspend your flight.

By force of circumstance, the SNCF is particularly impacted by the rise in energy costs, particularly electricity.

Mechanically, the rail carrier has therefore planned to revise its prices upwards from January 2023, in particular its contracts with the regions for TER services.

For users, this augurs an increase in tickets and subscriptions in proportions still unknown.

Except for the Hauts-de-France region where, according to our information, prices should remain unchanged in January.

While the SNCF announced this Friday that it was extending its adapted transport plan (PTA) for ten days for the All Saints holidays in Hauts-de-France.

While the removal of the 136 daily trains provided for by this PTA must be added about sixty more random removals.

While the boss of the region, Xavier Bertrand, split, the same day, yet another letter to the CEO of the rail carrier to complain about the quality of the TER service, there is still good news.

No, TER tickets and subscriptions will not increase in Hauts-de-France next January, assured

20 Minutes

a source very close to the file.

Favor the TER rather than the hunters

On the side of the SNCF, they are content to answer us that “the Hauts-de-France region has not expressed any request to the TER Hauts-de-France regarding an increase in ticket prices”.

However, does this mean that ticket prices will be frozen for the whole of 2023?

Nothing is less sure.

Asked about this question, our source close to the file explains that “depends on a lot of elements” which she “does not have today.


An uncertainty that does not suit the environmental opponents of Xavier Bertrand: “If we boast of not increasing prices in January to do so two months later, what is the point?

asks Katy Vuylsteker, elected member of the “For the climate, for employment” group in the Region.

Indeed, according to ecologists, in addition to being inevitable, the rise in TER prices must take place over time.

"Imagining that energy prices will drop is illusory, it is for this reason that budgets must be anticipated to deal with it in the long term", continues the elected official.

And for that, environmentalists have a solution, at least the beginning of a solution: to review the allocation of certain subsidies.

In their line of sight, the 170,000 euros allocated to an anti-wind association or the 647.

000 euros allocated to the regional federation of hunters.

"I can already tell you that it won't be enough, but you have to start with something", recognizes Katy Vuylsteker.


Hauts-de-France: The CEO of SNCF recognizes the poor quality of TER service


Hauts-de-France: An app to balance all your seum on the TER service

  • Lille

  • Hauts-de-France

  • SNCF

  • Train

  • Rate