Teller Report

"After the pressure accident, if your urine is cola-colored, go to the hospital as soon as possible."

11/4/2022, 12:46:57 PM

Among the people who were at the scene of the disaster last Saturday night, there were not a few cases where they were seriously bruised, even if they did not go to the hospital. Bruises are usually caused by pressure, but if you have symptoms, such as urine that turns cola-colored, it should be treated as soon as possible.


Among the people who were at the site of the disaster last Saturday night, there were many cases of severe bruising without going to the hospital.

Bruises are usually caused by pressure, but if you have symptoms, such as urine that turns cola-colored, it should be treated as soon as possible.

Medical reporter Yoo Seung-hyun explains.


This is a photo posted to an internet community on the 31st by a survivor who was rescued from the Itaewon disaster.

I have dark bruises all over my leg.

Experts diagnosed superficial subcutaneous hemorrhage, a ruptured blood vessel under the skin, most likely a typical bruise.

Although the symptoms of bruises and bruises are similar, caution is needed as 'compression syndrome', in which the muscles of the arms and legs are compressed and damaged, can have serious consequences.

As the damaged muscle decomposes, a substance called 'myoglobin' accumulates, and when the pressure suddenly disappears, it spreads throughout the body and enters the kidneys, which can lead to acute renal failure or shock.

Compression syndrome occurs within 72 hours after an accident, and is characterized by a change in the color of urine to the color of Coke.

In this case, you need to get fluids or dialysis treatment at the hospital as soon as possible.

As a result of analyzing 104 of the minor injuries in the Sangju concert hall accident in Gyeongsangbuk-do in 2005, bruises to the chest, shoulder and arm, and back sprains were the most common, followed by concussion, headache, panic disorder, and anxiety disorder.

It is estimated that the survivors of the disaster are also suffering from similar sequelae. Of the 150 officially counted mild cases, about 140 have returned home and about 10 are hospitalized.

Emphasize that if you do not have symptoms now, you do not need to worry too much and focus on healing your trauma.

[Lee Kyung-won/Professor of Emergency Medicine at Yongin Severance Hospital: If you have symptoms (pain, etc.), you should seek medical attention.

(Still, it is important to differentiate from the actual injury) from anxiety, panic, and PTSD.] The

government will first provide six months of medical assistance to those who have been proven to have been at the scene of an accident for physical injuries as well as psychological aftereffects such as trauma.

(Video editing: Soyoung Lee, CG: Sohee Ban)