Teller Report

Searches in Hesse: investigations against Frankfurt lawyers

11/1/2022, 10:40:23 AM

In the morning, officials searched the houses and apartments of several suspects on suspicion of drug trafficking. The accused had come into focus through the evaluation of crypto cell phones.

In a larger investigation into suspected drug trafficking, the Hanau public prosecutor's office is investigating several suspects, including lawyers based in Frankfurt.

As the authority announced, a total of seven houses and apartments in Frankfurt and in the Vogelsberg district were searched on Tuesday morning.

The officials ensured numerous electronic storage media.

Catherine Iskandar

Responsible editor for the "Rhein-Main" department of the Sunday newspaper.

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The two suspects were targeted by the investigators through evaluations of crypto cell phones.

Specifically, these were the services Sky ECC and Anom.

Active in the drug trade

They are said to have had contact with people involved in the drug trade outside of their professional activities.

There is a suspicion that the suspects themselves took part.

The authority did not provide any further information about the accused lawyers.

As a spokeswoman further announced, there are two separate investigations that have been pending at the Hanau public prosecutor's office since the end of December 2021 and mid-March of this year respectively, due to an assignment by the Frankfurt public prosecutor's office.