Teller Report

Closure of borders in Equatorial Guinea: authorities accused of "drifts" on Cameroonians

11/1/2022, 3:04:07 PM

Equatorial Guinea closes all its land borders for an indefinite period. The authorities say they want to avoid "the infiltration of groups that may try to destabilize" the countryside...

Closure of borders in Equatorial Guinea: authorities accused of "drifts" on Cameroonians

(Illustration) Police forces of Equatorial Guinea.


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Equatorial Guinea closes all its land borders for an indefinite period.

The authorities say they want to avoid "the infiltration of groups that can try to destabilize" the presidential campaign launched on November 3.


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In recent weeks, identity checks of Cameroonian nationals living in Equatorial Guinea have intensified.

It is from 6 p.m., in the cities of Malabo and Bata, mainly, that the checkpoints multiply.

If they have resided for more than three months on


soil , Cameroonian nationals must present a valid residence permit.

Once this period has passed, they are considered to be in an irregular situation and ordered to leave the country.

But several testimonies report abuses by the Equatoguinean security forces.

The opposition party of the Movement for the Renaissance of Cameroon (MRC) denounces " 

exactions, acts of xenophobia and torture

 " against Cameroonians.

Cases of “detentions” and “forced expulsions” have also been reported.

Another accusation, Equatorial Guinea would not comply with the rules of free movement of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (Cemac).

A charge that does not, however, taken up by a senior official of the organization contacted by RFI, who assures that Malabo is only applying its national laws on immigration, because "

 free movement does not mean free installation


Cameroonian Head of State

Paul Biya

for his part released 125 million FCFA to repatriate his nationals.

The operation began on Monday.

Fifty-two Cameroonians have landed at Douala airport and hundreds more are expected in the coming days.


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  • Equatorial Guinea

  • Cameroon