Teller Report

Elementary school teacher refusing to go to school after swearing at "Xs worse than pigs"

10/26/2022, 4:18:59 AM

The police have launched a full-scale investigation into the refusal of students to attend school due to a teacher at an elementary school in Gyeongsangnam-do. According to the Gyeongnam Police Agency today, the vice principal of the school reported to the local police station on Monday, 24th, saying, "A teacher has emotionally abused students."

The police have launched a full-scale investigation into the refusal of students to attend school due to a teacher at an elementary school in Gyeongsangnam-do.

According to the Gyeongnam Police Agency today (26th), the vice principal of the school reported to the local police station on Monday, 24th, with the content that "a teacher had emotionally abused students".

According to a report reported by Yonhap News, at an elementary school located in Gyeongsangnam-do, the students who suffered are not attending school because a first-year teacher spit bullshit on the fifth-grade students.

Looking at the statements of the students provided by the parents, Teacher A's words are incredibly surprising and shocking.

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In the statement, "Your parents hate you, so you raise them into monsters", "XXs who can't study more than in the first year", "Are you still a student or farm?" I don't love you," etc. Teacher A's abusive language and abusive language are written on the students.

Teacher A's last words started after summer vacation this year, and the students were psychologically shocked and refused to go to school on the 21st.

In addition, it was revealed that the homeroom teacher in charge of the class was aware of this fact and neglected it.

After hearing this from their children, the parents strongly protested against the school, and after meeting with the principal on the 24th, they discussed the disposition of teacher A and the homeroom teacher.

The parent's side insisted, "If you look at the behavior of Teacher A, even if you go to another school, gossip and child abuse can continue. Teacher A should apologize directly to students and parents and leave the teaching profession.

He also requested psychological treatment for the students.

In response, the school accepted the parents' request, and further reported Teacher A to the police for child abuse, and an investigation is ongoing.

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The police believe that if the teacher's words and the like that the students said are true, they can be charged with violating the Child Welfare Act by holding the teacher responsible for emotional abuse.

An education office official said, "This is the first time I've seen something like this since I joined the teaching profession. The police and county offices are simultaneously investigating allegations of child abuse, so I will judge based on the results."

The parent representative raised his voice, saying, "Teacher A apologized and expressed his intention to return to the school, but all parents are against it."

Currently, the students are in psychotherapy, and whether or not to go to school will be decided according to the situation later.

(Photo = Yonhap News)